[kj] [ot]Visa accepts donations for the KKK but not wikileaks? hmm

Concrete Cookie concrete_cookie at hotmail.com
Thu Dec 9 23:42:26 EST 2010

Passing on a post from a friend:

So, Visa and MasterCard cut off donations to
Wikileaks for moral and/or legal reasons? In the mean time, you can use
your Visa or MasterCard to donate to the KKK so long as you are "white
and not of racially mixed descent. [You are] not married
to a nonwhite. [You] do not date nonwhites no [sic] do [you] have
nonwhite dependents. [You] believe in the ideals of Western Christian
civilization and profess [your] belief in Jesus Christ as the Son of


If you feel like contacting these companies to express your dissatisfaction with their unbelievable display of hypocrisy and cowardice.

Mastercard: 1-800-MCAssist (1-800-622-7747)
MasterCard Worldwide
2000 Purchase Street
Purchase, NY 10577

Visa: 1-800-VISA-911
Visa Inc.
P.O. Box 8999, Mailstop M1-11J
San Francisco, CA 94128-8999

these companies see nothing wrong in passing on donations to an
organization that is responsible for the advocacy of hate and the
commission of murders. But, if you happen to be a non-profit
organization that has exposed criminal wrong doing by governments around
the world, they have to cut off your revenue without notice.

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