[kj] Jaz's Ceremony Postponed
Jim Harper
jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Apr 12 07:10:14 EDT 2010
Well, Wikipedia lists him as composer-in-residence to the Prague Symphony Orchestra, as opposed to the EU...
--- On Mon, 12/4/10, nicholas fitzpatrick <gasw30 at hotmail.com> wrote:
Yes I totally agree with this. What the hell does a shitty record company have to do with when Jaz gets his State-sanctioned award? Will France be asking the record company for advice about its next Budget or setting of interest rates or when to invade Belgium?
I can't help but think this is another title or award that might not be the genuine article. I think some of us looked and failed to find info about the apparent Emmy nominations. And then there was some journalist who went through official channels to find out about the 'EU Composer in Residence' position, but drew a blank.
Jaz must have learnt how to attribute titles to himself from Laurence Gardner - Jaz's mate and writer of a book that traces Jesus' bloodline to a modern-day Scottish twat who wants to be king. (Embarrassingly I bought this and read it). Gardner has numerous titles. Envoy to the Council of European Princes is my favourite and one that another journalist drew a blank with when investigating.
It all goes back to the Golden Dawn occultists and Crowley who seemed to give themselves the most grand titles. Don't forget that Crowley even went as far as calling himself the Beast 666! I mean, when you think about it, thats only one degree away from calling yourself God.
Date: Mon, 12 Apr 2010 00:09:05 +0200
From: 65snoopy at gmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] Jaz's Ceremony Postponed
This all sounds bizarre - does not the French state/Ministry of Culture/whichever
official body is in charge of this award decide when the ceremony will be, not a
record company?
Of course, in the wacky world of Killing Joke 2010, anything is possible. Just curious...
On 9 April 2010 19:37, Frenchy Frenzy <frenchyfrenzy at killingjoke.fr> wrote:
Hi all,
Just had today the confirmation from Marie Lecocq (who is the "official translator" of Jaz's coming book (or comic book ?) that the ceremony to become Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres was postponed till september and rescheduled just before the new date at The Bataclan in Paris Monday 27 th september 2010.
Apparently, the record company took the decision against Jaz's wishes but it might fit better with the release of the new album...
Wait & See
Stephane " Frenchy Frenzy"
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