[kj] And I know you will all find this hi-frikkin-larious

The Exorcist killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com
Wed Sep 9 01:25:29 EDT 2009

Any promoter/organizer (community??? JK) that
will have Animal Collective (AnCo for the hispter freaks) perform....
Well... put it like this - KJ ought to be
grateful to be despised by someone like that!

At 01:15 PM 9/8/2009, Rheinhold Squeegee wrote:

>ATP Organizers: the Black Lips Are "Assholes,"

>and Killing Joke and the Butthole Surfers "Can Both Suck My Balls"

>9/4/2009 By Alex Hudson


>You can add the music festival

><http://www.atpfestival.com/>All Tomorrow's

>Parties to the list of "Things the

><http://www.black-lips.com/>Black Lips Have Been

>Kicked Out Of." In a


>interview with the


>Voice [via


>Vegan], ATP organizer Barry Hogan said that "the

>Black Lips will never play again — they're

>assholes. They broke into a chalet and started stealing stuff."


>Fellow organizer Deborah Kee Higgins agreed,

>stating: "We have a 'No Assholes' policy. You

>can play once because we don't know you're an

>asshole, but you can't play twice."


>Harsh words, to be sure, but we’re guessing that

>the Atlanta punks aren't losing any sleep over

>it. After all, the group had to


>the Indian police earlier this year after being

>accused of indecent exposure following a raucous

>gig in Chennai. Compared to the wrath of the

>Tamil authorities, the words of two foul-mouthed

>promoters probably don't seem like such a big deal.


>The organizers' anger didn't end with the Black

>Lips, by the way. Hogan also pointed the finger

>at some seasoned indie rock legends, saying

>"<http://www.killingjoke.com/>Killing Joke and

><http://www.buttholesurfers.com/>the Butthole

>Surfers will never play ATP again, and they can

>both suck my balls. And you can put that in print." Done.


>ATP New York will take place from September 11

>to 13. The event includes performances by

><http://www.sufjan.com/>Sufjan Stevens,


>Collective and <http://www.flaminglips.com/>the

>Flaming Lips. Just don't expect any surprise

>guest appearances by the Black Lips.


>from <http://www.exclaim.ca>www.exclaim.ca






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