[kj] OT: Obama and Fox

Karen Weil karen.weil at sddt.com
Tue Oct 20 19:48:03 EDT 2009

Oh, and Bush took the costs for Iraq off the books, so if you think the bill for health care is bad ...


----- Original Message -----
From: The Exorcist
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 3:28 PM
Subject: Re: [kj] OT: Obama and Fox

Karen... You always make me work so hard... :(
Lemme see what I can prattle off before I head out to Soccer. (I mean Football!)

His Presidency was marred from the get-go with the dispute of the legitimacy of his win. The only quiet time
was during 9-11 and that's due to other greater concerns.

I'm not saying he did a good or bad job. it's got nothing to do with the thread.

I think it was Nixon's voice and accent that made him sound good. :) (And Futurama!)

Re: Obama and failure. Bush's changes and policies were chump change compared to Obama.
The printing of $$$ like it's cupcakes, the massive spending of money that doesn't exist, the forcing of individual payment
of health care for everyone (I thought I was able to make decisions like that... not the Gov't). Why should that go uncontested?
If one considers that type of policy as wreckless they shouldn't opine on it?
(Just like the criticism of many when Bush passed that massive bail-out)

I find it ok with the media going after Bush. The best reporters were always hated by the politicians.
Obama getting a pass on everything and is never being challenged by the media which makes FOX
reporting on his policies seem so out of place. When you have one group that is not in lock-step with
you they're considered EVIL.

Hannity and Beck are NOT Journalists. They are Opinionators/Editorials. They are not a 10th of FOX.
They are equivalent of the NYT editorialists who state their personal opinions on a daily basis.

Putting the Journalists and Editorialists in the same grouping is not a good idea and a slap in the face
to every respectable Journalist out there.

Now off to get my ass kicked in socc... errr Football! :)

At 02:58 PM 10/20/2009, Karen Weil wrote:

My dear Exo:

"I wonder if you'd consider all the media Anti-Bush as well during his Presidency... "

Puh-leeze ... Bush mostly got a pass for most of his first term (drumbeats for the Iraq War, anyone?) and part of his second -- until the incompetence could no longer be excused.

(And if you're going to say Bush did a really good job while in office, that's a bridge too far. He did a few things well -- a few. And that's it.)

I agree with you that the Obama admin. should not waste its time with Fox -- it's not worth it. The administration looks petty and foolish -- and yes, to a certain degree, Nixonian -- and we don't need a repeat of that. (Oh, this may come as a shock to you but I actually think, Watergate aside, Nixon wasn't a bad president -- unfortunately, his paranoia got the best of him.)

Is the Obama Admin. making mistakes? Indeed, it is. And those should be called out, and fairly and accurately reported. And bleating sheep like Hannity, Beck, etc. do NOT fit the bill when it comes to legitimate, responsible criticism.

For the record, I wasn't thrilled when Bush came into office in 2001 (I thought his father did a pretty good job, all things being equal).
However, I was willing to be fair-minded and give Bush II a chance to succeed, even if I didn't agree with everything he did. I also gave him the benefit of the doubt on Iraq, for a few years.
And I never, ever, rooted for him to fail -- because when you have a truly unsuitable person at the helm -- a la Bush II or Jimmy Carter, the country starts to suffer, in one way or the other. So, don't lump me in with the "Bush-bashers," please.

Yes, some of the criticism directeed at Bush was ludicrous and unfair. But he had every opportunity to be a good, even great, president -- he failed miserably. And it's not the "liberals" fault, it's not the media's fault. The blame lies with the 43rd and his administration alone. Just as it will be for the Obama administration, should things turn out badly for them.

Should the press be tough on Obama? Damn right it should, as it should on any president and his/her administration -- but please don't fall on the predictable "the evil wibrul press was so mean to poor widdle Georgie." That's the standard lazy, conservative line. And we're not buying it anymore.

Appreciate your thoughts on this matter, and truly wish you a good day.


K. Weil
California, USA

----- Original Message -----

From: The Exorcist

To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)

Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 11:29 AM

Subject: Re: [kj] OT: Obama and Fox

Dear Nicholas,

This has nothing to do with being Anti-Obama. Journalists aren't supposed to be pro or anti.

They're supposed to report without having thrills up their legs.

(saying FOX is anti-obama is akin to saying the others are pro-Obama. Personally, I'd rather have people

vetting a politician than kissing his ass.)

In regards to Obama and the media. Well, I'll let White House Communications Director Anita Dunn speak.


Here's a quick quote... And there is video there as well.

"One of the reasons we did so many of the David Plouffe videos was not just for our supporters, but also because it was a way for us to get our message out without having to actually talk to reporters," said Dunn, referring to media packages by Obama's chief campaign manager David Plouffe. "We just put that out there and made them write what Plouffe had said, as opposed to Plouffe doing an interview with a reporter. So it was very much - we controlled it as opposed to the press controlled it," she said."

Well, I hope that helps point out the great consternation that Obama and the White House have. They don't like people

not repeating their official spoon-fed tripe.

People forget that Journalists are supposed

to trust no one, question, prod, poke and find out what is going on.

However, it is nice to see that Obama is seeking to emulate Nixon. I always thought he liked being associated with Lincoln and

JFK. Who knew he was a Nixon fan!



At 01:15 PM 10/20/2009, Karen Weil wrote:


To answer your questions: Yes, Fox has taken a strong anti-Obama, which was totally expected and boring on their part. And the administration is wasting its time in a catfight with the network. It looks foolish.

"Fundie Christians" do not support Obama -- never have, never will.

It's too early to tell whether he will be a good president. He's trying, but there are simply too many obstacles in the road. I think Americans tend to be impatient with whomever is in the Whtie House, if things aren't perfect yet.

That's the short summary. I could go into a longer explanation, but that would probably bore you to death. ; )


----- Original Message -----
From: nicholas fitzpatrick
To: gathering at misera.net
Sent: Tuesday, October 20, 2009 9:15 AM
Subject: [kj] OT: Obama and Fox
Friends in the US,
Is it the case that Fox (or some other major channel) has taken an anti-Obama line? How's that going down in the US?
Also, how's he going down generally with the Fundie Christians?
Is Obama kicking ass or has he become just another politician yet?


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