[kj] FW: jaz date change 4 spoken word

The Exorcist killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com
Thu Mar 19 22:51:33 EDT 2009

Btw... Done now :)

At 10:25 PM 3/19/2009, Brendan Quinn wrote:

>Money is not wealth, its inherent value is zippo.




>From: gathering-bounces at misera.net

>[mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net] On Behalf Of fluke fluke

>Sent: Friday, 20 March 2009 11:59

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Subject: Re: [kj] FW: jaz date change 4 spoken word





>Capitalism is about creating

>Wealth.....Communism is about stealing somebody else's wealth......











>Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 19:32:42 -0400

>From: killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Subject: Re: [kj] FW: jaz date change 4 spoken word


>Before I go on. I'd just like to ask you a few things.


>At what point (according to you) does the "early 1900's" end.

>If you're saying that the party is much

>different, kindly provide some reasoning behind your statements.

>(Not that I agree or disagree. But having a

>frame of reference would allow me to respond in kind.)


>Rather than name calling and saying "No you're

>wrong" why not say something a tad more substantive?

>(Without quoting any Marxian wisdom if possible.

>Original thought gives you bonus points! Not all thoughts

>need to come from a collective manifesto.)


>And now for a most lovely quote: (Guess which famous person said this)

>"But it's good that on this list we stand up to

>the few right-wingers--the only way to deal with their ideas is to crush them."


>I can see myself atop a hill with the Red flag fluttering madly in the wind.

>The sky is dark and overcast, the masses are cold and shivering.

>But NO! We will not leave. We will stand up and FIGHT FIGHT FIGHT!!!

>The sentiment flows through me like the Vodka Volga river when the snow melts.

>(and yes I know of your argument about Russia being fake/corrupt Communism)

>The orator is shouting madly but I can't hear a

>thing because the wind is whipping

>out his words as if the wind itself wants to join the struggle.

>It doesn't matter, I don't need to know what he says.

>Look at that passion! Look at the emotion! Look

>at his eyes bulging and veins popping out!

>It is as if the presence of God itself has

>descended into this master of words.

>(Well, if there was such a thing as god. Don't

>worry my fellow Comrades, if God ever shows its

>face we shall crush it as well!)

>We shall crush all those in our way in order to

>show them what true tolerance, humility,

>humanity and life is all about.




>At 10:38 AM 3/19/2009, GREG SLAWSON wrote:


>The modern Republican (US) party is much

>different than the one of the late 1800s/early

>1900s, you knumbskull. But your point near the

>end of the post about AIG bonuses being a spit in the bucket is spot on!




>Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2009 02:27:12 -0400

>From: killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com

>To: gathering at misera.net

>Subject: Re: [kj] FW: jaz date change 4 spoken word


>Altruism is as much a personal ideology (if not

>more) than a political ideology.

>As a personal ideal I can see the merits. As a

>political, it becomes an entirely different creature.


>You attack republicans yet it was the Republican

>party that fought to get rid of slavery.

>They were the first to ban slavery despite the Democrats opposition.

>The republicans passed the First Civil Rights act in 1875.


>Here is some info for you to chew on.


>"The Civil Rights Act (1875) was introduced to

>Congress by Charles Sumner and Benjamin Butler

>in 1870 but did not become law until 1st March,

>1875. It promised that all persons, regardless

>of race, color, or previous condition, was

>entitled to full and equal employment of

>accommodation in "inns, public conveyances on

>land or water, theaters, and other places of public amusement."


>In 1883 the Supreme Court declared the act as

>unconstitutional and asserted that Congress did

>not have the power to regulate the conduct and transactions of individuals."


>Many of the provisions that were later passed in

>the 1960's were taken from the original act.

>And this was only accomplished after overcoming a Democrat filibuster.

>Here are the yea-nea

>Democratic Party: 152-96 (61%-39%)

>Republican Party: 138-34 (80%-20%)


>The Senate version:

>Democratic Party: 46-21 (69%-31%)

>Republican Party: 27-6 (82%-18%)


>The Senate version, voted on by the House:

>Democratic Party: 153-91 (63%-37%)

>Republican Party: 136-35 (80%-20%)


>Republicans led the fight for women’s rights,

>and most suffragists were Republicans. In fact,

>Susan B. Anthony bragged about how, after voting

>(illegally) in 1872, she had voted a straight

>Republican ticket. The suffragists included two

>African-American women who were also co-founders

>of the NAACP: Ida Wells and Mary Terrell, Republicans, both of them.


>Republican Senator Aaron Sargent wrote the

>women’s suffrage amendment in 1878,though it

>would not be passed by Congress until

>Republicans again won control of both houses 40

>years later. It was in 1916 that the first woman

>was elected to the U.S. House of

>Representatives, Republican Jeannette Rankin.

>The first woman mayor was elected in 1926, the

>Honorable Bertha Landes of Seattle, another Republican.


>The KKK was from the Democrat wing and attacked

>many republicans (not to mention all the others they bore hatred for).


>It was the party that made it possible for Obama to be where he is today.



>I hate gaudy shopping malls, I hate annoying ads

>and I hate lots of shit out there. I can't stand

>the radio for the most part either.

>I lament everyday the loss of the vibe that NYC

>once had and is now a yuppified condo filled

>blob of land. I don't own ANY designer

>brand name shirts, pants, socks, belts etc...


>"All the millions of ppl. trudging to work everyday to a job they hate."

>Ahhhhh, so there should be no work? Would it be

>ok to say at least they HAVE jobs and some sort of income?

>Do we have to enjoy everything in life? Are we

>all just gonna sit around in dance and song and advance, grow healthier,

>more educated, watch as food miraculously pops

>into our mouths while we lose the need for malaria shots?

>In the US one of the biggest issues of the poor

>and under privileged is OBESITY. Imagine that!


>Is that cloud of doom you see because of shitty

>jobs or is it becomes lives today have nothing to strive for and are

>empty and meaningless. Are all these faces only in "Capitalist countries"?


>I think my mother who came from Russia would

>have quite a different opinion than you and would probably be able to give

>you some insight how it was to live as a Jew

>under the Russian communist rule. (in whatever form you care to call it)


>"Political lobbying by vested interests": That

>applies to all parties throughout time. If you think this is a trade unique to

>Capitalism, you are sadly very mistaken.


>"People think they are better than other ppl.

>based on income bracket": Once again, that is

>not a Capitalist creation, nor a Republican

>nor a Democrat, nor Communist, nor Marxist, nor

>Trostskyite, nor Bolshevik.... I hope you get the point by now.


>"Plastic pieces of shit": I hate that as well

>and I am quite picky with what I purchase. You

>get what you pay for. If you don't like it

>don't buy it. If you don't buy it they won't

>make it (unless the Gov't/Nancy Pelosi/Obama

>forces the car manufacturers to make more green

>cars that no one seems to be buying). Did you

>ever think that the little plastic piece of shit

>can actually bring joy to a poor family who can't

>afford anything quite grandiose?


>You might say "ahhh those filthy Capitalist

>pigs, they're just brainwashing the kids with

>all those toys and garbage." the poor parent might

>see it as "geee, my kids friend has an Ipod and

>can listen to music all the time but I can't

>afford to get one for my kid, well at least I can get

>my child some other sort of player."


>Excused me, no one is being forced to do

>anything. At least not in the US. What exactly

>IS a soulful job? What exactly are we

>supposed to be seeing/doing? You've yet to describe that.


>Capitalism took a small country and turned it

>into a megapower faster than any other nation.

>Everything has it's faults and everything

>can be exploited. You seem to not grasp this

>idea and just focus on your bloodlust for

>"Capitalism". There ought to be checks and

>balances with proper implementation, when it's

>not there... People get corrupt. It's everywhere buddy.


>Another little heads up, Most conservative

>republicans (and Democrats) were against the

>bail out, still are against the bailout.

>All the masses of cash flowing is coming from

>Senior Obama. I love it how people are all

>shouting bloody murder about the 165 Million "Bonus"

>that AIG is giving out while that is a SPIT in

>the bucket compared to how our Gov't just totally ass raped us!


>Other than trying to catch up with religion in

>the amount of people killed and tortured in the

>name of "ideals" and having books banned,

>censored, and people exiled. I can't quite bring

>to mind any great additions to society that have come from Marxist ideals.


>Next time you feel like saying the word

>"Republican" with venom I hope the short (but

>lengthy for an Email) quick recap of the

>"Republicans" comes to mind.



>At 11:44 PM 3/18/2009, Brendan Quinn wrote:

>Most sane people wouldn’t claim that altruism is

>a trait exclusive to one political ideology, I

>wouldn’t bother continuing a conversation with

>anyone that did – what’s the point?


>I just dunno how anyone could defend modern

>capitalism – gaudy shopping malls, whole

>neighbourhoods full of soulless advertising

>that’s impossible to avoid (yes, I’ve been to


some parts of it gave me the total shits),

>cynical advertising steered by psychologists,

>aimed at kids, selling unnatural chemical

>concoctions as ‘food’, all the millions of

>people trudging to work every day at a job they

>hate (I’m so glad I don’t have to take the bus

>in to work in the mornings anymore because the

>cloud of doom amongst the condemned is


), political (monetary) lobbying by

>powerful vested interests, people thinking they

>are better than other people because of their

>income bracket, planned obsolescence, plastic

>pieces of shit that don’t last 3 months,

>landfill full of heavy metals



>People being FORCED to help out is NOT acceptable.


>People being forced to work 40 hours a week at

>soulless jobs isn’t a great state of affairs

>either, being forced to put up with pollution,

>rampant destruction of natural resources,

>getting one vote every 4 years that means

>practically nothing in the scheme of things,

>getting ripped off by corporations and then

>expected to pay to bail them out

etc etc.








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