[kj] OT: no god...?

iPat pmdavies at gmail.com
Tue Jan 13 04:35:12 EST 2009

the macrobiotic and alakline concept are imho linked. You should
really be utilising the food that is locally produced as it creates a
balance with your surroundings. Any imbalance is the initiation of
case and effect!

i have been given more information than i put on the blog and because
of the symptons i have and the effects i'll be left with, the advice
is simple, i should be extremely alkaline right now. My partner though
is fighting her conditioning and wants to cook and prepare acidic
meals, so it is a learning process. Obviously i have ceased all
alchohol and quite r simply if i never drink ever again it is not an
issue to me. If something so irrelevant has a hold on me than there
are other reasons to be dealt with. if you are balanced though the
body can easily deal with the odd jack and coke!

I guess the hardest thing i have found is getting away from the amount
of wheat based products. I have tried this before and besides finding
a warm slice of toast with melted spread being simply divine, our
processed food culture is poisoning us with so much wheat and salt and
the impact is seen in failed crops which have replaced indigenous
crops that could survive natures swings. Im juicing so much at the
moment to get the alkaline into the system to strengthen the liver
before the chemo takes it's toll, as this is the single best wa to get
it into teh system outside a balanced diet.

Regarding Health Insurance, several years ago, i went part time in my
career in order to run my school full time. I intended to make the
change. One day, exhausted and condsidering an offer from work, a
brigh neon type message appeared in my brainwith two words, Health
Insurance. Where it came from and what caused it to become prominent
is the fuel for many debates, but it influenced me to accept an offer
to return to my engineering career. As it is the Insurance hasnt
really been used as yet, but it could play a pivotal part. Would i
encourage people to be tied down to a boring job just for that, no,
but sometimes things seem to work in mysterious ways.

On Tue, Jan 13, 2009 at 2:27 AM, Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote:


> About the diet stuff, did you look into metabolic typing diets? That's

> something Paul Chek promotes, you've prolly heard of him. So many theories

> out there, I'm gonna do my research and try some of them out. And did you

> experiment with the acid / alkaline theory, any results with that? Please

> say no, I don't wanna feel any more guilty about my coffee and bourbon and

> coke...

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