[kj] rebellion?

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Mon Aug 10 11:09:59 EDT 2009

That can actually be true, sometimes. Next time you see a video on
YouTube of Neo-Nazis, check out the laces on their boots. A lot of the
times they're white laces. Unfortunately, I have met a few of these
douchebags and they did have white laces indeed. One had a RAHOWA ball cap.

Like anything, just seeing someone with white laces is nothing to accost
them about,t hough. They may not know what the hell they are doing, like
all the kids who have "88" after their usernames online because they
thought it was some punk thing.

Alex Smith wrote:

> I seem to remember reading a piece in SPIN magazine about twenty-five years ago that said you could tell what type of skinhead someone was (i.e. racist or not) by the color of the laces on their Doc Martens.


> Yeah, whatever.


> Alex in NYC





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