[kj] (OT) Police Brutality part 2

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Apr 16 21:59:07 EDT 2009

It doesn't put that argument into perspective, I'm afraid, because it's not particularly relevant to my point. Or are you try to suggest that rioting and looting are okay because the damage is done is far less that the amount lost in this financial crisis?
Most people can't afford to have their shops looted and trashed, regardless of how much money the banks have pissed away.
--- On Fri, 17/4/09, Brendan Quinn <bq at soundgardener.co.nz> wrote:

Hundreds of thousands of pounds…not to be too sarcastic, but have you any idea the damage the govt and banks have caused? Trillions…that puts that argument in perspective.

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