[kj] Youth mentions NEW KJ song, "Timewave"
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Tue Sep 16 23:25:32 EDT 2008
Actually that Timewave title has gotten me thinking...perhaps we could get
Geordie and Jimmy Page to have a riff off, see if we can get them to clock
up to a time signature of 5 billion notes per bar, go so fast that time
reverts back to 1978...that way the apocalypse is averted.
What we could also do is go back slightly further, write a bunch of
letters to ourselves, from ourselves, telling ourselves to get into a band
that's gonna come out in 1978 called Killing Joke. And then fast forward
to 1978.
Oh and throw some stock tips in for good measure.
Creative solutions are always the best.
> Okay so we have less than 4 years to build 2 villages and a temple.
> Current progress = 0.
> I think we're gonna need Youth to rope in McCartney and his billions, or
> perhaps Jaz can get his billionaire friends in Frankfurt or thereabouts to
> chip in. Or maybe he can sell the Necronomicon back to Jimmy Page...or use
> it to enlist the aid of the netherworld?
> PS: I'm changing my nick to Noah.
>> Ah, looks like, per this site, "Time wave theory" is connected to the
>> idea that the Earth will end in 2012. Big surprise it's a KJ song:
>> http://www.abovetopsecret.com/forum/thread380164/pg2
>> -Oliver
>> B. Oliver Sheppard wrote:
>>> At his blog he mentions a new song called "Timewave":
>>> "The gig was a combination of both sets and we dropped a new one in
>>> near the end,"timewave" which really got things moving...made the
>>> night for me...really exciting!"
>>> @
>>> http://blog.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=blog.view&friendID=40797754&blogID=433636796&indicate=1
>>> -Oliver
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