[kj] new Youth "blog" post - Neon Neon

pssyche23 antoni at clara.net
Thu Sep 11 12:22:04 EDT 2008

Thursday, September 11, 2008

KJ blog Neon Neon !
Category: Music

WOW !That was AMAZING ! Playing bass with Killing Joke is like jumping
out of a plane at 30,000 ft with no parachute!Pure adrenaline racing through
my veins.I have had pleasure and honor of working with many great bands but
nvery few can give me the goosebumps this mob do!Tokyo went wild tonight !
Phew......Thank the God's i managed to remember my parts and Jaz didn't
attack me live on stage! A fantasticly ferral audience really up for
it.Totally caught me off gaurd .I was totally sober but three tunes in i was
welling up with emotion ! The crowd were mainly quiet young,surprising
enough but they knew all the words and when I looked at the front rows, many
were in tears....the emotion hit me like a brick in the chest , i will never
forget it.
Now i know why we put ourselves through sooo much to get this
right.What great fun!
Big Paul was simply heroic !
I had prepared an intro cd for before we go on , a few tunes in and
Jaz storms backstage with "Who the fuck put this crap tune on?What is it" He
demanded menacingly."David Essex...Rock on !" i chirped "Total classic
,first record i bought when I was 12" I grinningly protested.....Jaz's face
dropped to a benigne resignation and Geordie chuckled very amused.I think it
will have to be dropped as our road manager the ever calm and collected
Patrick, questioned the wisdom of that particular selection after the gig as
Resisted temptation to hang out after the gig and its an Early night
tonight ...listening to Alan Stival "The Bretons in Briton " to chill and
come down ....working well too ! Inccidently did you know there are over
2000 megalithic stone circles in Japan! I have been to a few on previous
visits here and they are awe inspiring! Strangely or not,they are identical
to the ones in Wales and France.Same cup and ring markings .Mayby our
ancient ancestors got around more than we thought ! I really love all the
future /ancient juxtapositions you find here.The tech is so advanced and
si-fi, mixed with an underlieing shinto/zen philosophy.Neon, neon! The
William Gibson metropolis, inside the heart of the machine.Kraftwerk works
well here too!


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