[kj] holy tribal disco stomp batman!
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 9 07:34:59 EDT 2008
Sounds nice and positive. Thank the deity of your choice for that.
Alex in NYC
On Sep 8, 2008, at 10:37 PM, fluw wrote:
> news from youth's myspace blog
> --------- Monday, September 08, 2008
> Killing Joke Tour
> Category: Music
> Tomorrow I embark on a world tour with killing joke .Its the first
> time the original line up has performed for 26 years!
> I am going to attempt to keep blog up to give a diaryistic view from
> the inside of the storm !
> I havent even had time to unpack from returning from Spain where we
> have been rehearsing for the past 3 weeks. I hit the ground running
> and have been locked in a south London studio all weekend
> completeing a new production .Its probably a good thing as the more
> i think about the tour the more excited i get!
> Rehearsing invoked many emotions from pure joy and exhileration to
> utter terror and fear!
> I feel very privilaged to have the opportunity to work with these
> incredably commited and talented artists. thts not to say the
> challange has been immense.Learning over 50 songs and rehearsing
> them untill they are white hot tight is no easy gig! However having
> Jaz Coleman's perfectionist zeal bearing down upon us upped the bar
> and enabled us to steel our metal as musicians vastly.Having Big
> Paul's presence within the circle again has given us a renewed
> primal force and a tribal/disco stomp last heard together in 1982!
> its hard to describe how im feeling but it feels exactly as it
> should ....strangly calm and super intense!-----------
> holy tribal disco stomp batman, this is tantalizing to say the least!!
> 50 songs! that's about 5 sets of material haha
> tw
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