[kj] OT - List of books Sarah Palin wanted banned

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 8 15:00:01 EDT 2008

This Jon Stewart/Daily Show segment on the hypocrisy of right-wing smear
campaigns regarding Palin, Obama, Clinton, et. al., is so brilliant it
ought to be preserved in the Library of Congress's national film registry:


It shows how the right/GOP position shifts very selectively,
duplicitously, when it comes to things like sexism (Hillary is "whining"
when she implies sexism works against her; Sarah Palin is a victim of
sexism, however, when people critique her, etc., etc.) or a candidate's

Brilliant. Thank god (?) this show is on TV. I just wish the above link
was required viewing in the US.


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