[kj] OT - banned !!!!!!
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Mon Sep 8 04:51:24 EDT 2008
How dumb, surely an Exorcist is a good thing?
Listening to Pandemonium right now...you fuckers are gonna hear it in the
flesh soon! Fucking sweet.
> I've been banned from sites because ppl. found the handle "Exorcist"
> offensive.
> Go Figure.
> Some things are better left alone? Ohhhhh, that's tooooooooooo easy!
> (insert little boy line here)
> Just curious, have any of you read the book as well as seen the movie
> or just seen the movie?
> Cheers,
> Yos
> At 12:32 PM 9/7/2008, Alexander Smith wrote:
>>Yeah, that would do it. I went to a Jesuit high school here in NYC,
>>and many of the priests on our faculty supposedly acted as consultants
>>on "The Exorcist," and loved to tell tales about freakish things
>>happening unexpectedly on the set. Cameras would simply cease
>>function. Spontaneous fires would break out, etc. "Some things, boys"
>>Father Shields would intone ominously, "are better left alone."
>>Not sure I buy it, but it was a nice yarn.
>>Alex in NYC
>>On Sep 7, 2008, at 12:28 PM, TB wrote:
>>>"Alexander Smith" wrote:
>>>>I believe it was "Your Mother Sucks Cocks In Hell," no?
>>>I think the big shocked reaction wasn't the raunchy dialog, but the
>>>fact it and actions like bloody violation via crucifix was coming
>>>from and happening to a little girl.
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