[kj] OT - List of books Sarah Palin wanted banned
The Exorcist
killingjoke at theimmortalfool.com
Sun Sep 7 23:22:54 EDT 2008
Alex, the only reason for my ire was that I hold you to a higher level and was
annoyed that you left the post as is and totally
unedited. Just to clarify... there was
no personal malice meant there (if you took any of what I wrote as such).
As odd and weird as this may sound you've been on
the list for a really long time
as have I. Through your posts back in the 90's
I've been exposed to lotsa bands out
there and your interesting opinions as well. I
guess it left some sort of impact on me
and I do owe you a bit of gratitude for that as well.
So you can see why I got upset about the post
being left as is. If it were anyone else I frankly
couldn't give a shit. But when it's someone I've
met in person, had beers with and rocked to
KJ, whilst getting along most of the time without
any issues regardless of belief I guess I
get a bit more touchy.
At 05:54 PM 9/7/2008, Alexander Smith wrote:
>Tell ya what. I'll amend my post about the
>book-banning, but I'm not taking it down. Make
>ya feel better? At the very least, if it pisses
>off fans of Michelle Malkin, I'm all for it.
>"Deeply disappointed" eh? Now you know exactly how I feel about your politics.
>Wasn't aware about the Obama counter -- but
>then, why does Obama have to go to Iraq? What
>exactly does it solve? Moreover, I'm less about
>championing Obama than I am about decrying
>Palin. You're immediately assuming that I'm a
>frothing zealot for Obama/Biden. I'm voting for
>them, sure, but it's not like they're devoid of
>flaw. Hell, I don't even think John McCain is
>that bad a guy. He has long history of reaching
>across the aisle and bucking his own party's
>policy. While I'm not voting for him, I'm not
>going to slit my wrists if he wins.
>Sarah Palin, meanwhile, is the real focus of my
>ire. At the end of the day, she's an
>inexperienced, gun-toting FUNDAMENTALIST
>CHRISTIAN (no slander or falsehoods there, you
>agree?) I don't want her anywhere near the White
>House. Full fucking stop. Had McCain gone with
>Tom Ridge or even Joe Lieberman, you wouldn't hear me lamenting so loudly.
>Sarah Palin is a fucking scourge.
>Alex in NYC
>On Sep 7, 2008, at 5:43 PM, The Exorcist wrote:
>>But... What does that have anything to do with
>>blatant lies written about her?
>>If you want to attack something she said or
>>did, fine. But to pull shit out of thin
>>air and claim it as fact is acceptable?
>>Let's see... Alex writes on his blog...
>>"This was just passed onto me by one of the
>>good folks over at The Gathering.
>>I don't vouch for its legitimacy, but it
>>certainly fits the profile. Shrill conservative
>>harpee Michelle Malkin says it's not true, but
>>she's not exactly a bastion of free
>>thinking herself. See what ya think. "
>>First off it's not only Michelle that has
>>debunked it. Second Alex KNOWS it's not true but writes
>>"I don't vouch for its legitimacy" and tries to
>>give it some sort of Pseudo credence even though
>>it's a blatant outright lie.
>>I'm deeply disappointed.
>>It seems as long as you don't like someone you
>>can say anything you damn well want and it's acceptable.
>>*shrug* So much for integrity...
>>And Alex, that lovely moveon.org counter. A
>>blatant rip off of the counter about Obama not going to Iraq.
>>But seeing that Obama has avoided any tough
>>interviews and only went to hosts and "journalists" that
>>kiss his ass I really wouldn't be so gung-ho
>>about that. Not to mention that he's scared shitless of doing
>>townhall style debates with McCain. Really is
>>that something you want to bring up?
>>At 05:14 PM 9/7/2008, ade wrote:
>>>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>>> boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C9112E.BD78A119"
>>>Content-class: <urn:content-classes:message>urn:content-classes:message
>>>That first line made my head spin!
>>>Anyways, personally that footage of her going
>>>on about g0ds work in Iraq is guaranteed to
>>>make me repel from her - she's like one of
>>>those fucking lizards in V ! Now she's
>>>onboard, I find the whole idea of a republican
>>>government much more scary than just McStain -
>>>seriously, she seems the sort of nutfuck that
>>>would start shit off. Her inclusion really
>>>makes Obummer a much more attractive canditate
>>>to *my* eyes. So my own trashing of her is borne of fear, not agenda!
>>>I have an image in my mind of Obummer reaching
>>>into his hair & unzipping his disguise only
>>>for Satan to step out of it, hooves and all. "Fooled ya!"
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>><mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net>gathering-bounces at misera.net
>>>[ mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of The Exorcist
>>>Sent: 07 September 2008 21:38
>>>To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
>>>Subject: Re: [kj] OT - List of books Sarah Palin wanted banned
>>>Possibly I did. Could be that I read something
>>>into your E-mail while you read into
>>>my email which was read into by Alex... Boy am I getting dizzy!
>>>And I didn't call you one sided, I was
>>>referring to the Palin trashing on the list
>>>(and the media) which was one sided.
>>>At 03:58 PM 9/7/2008, ade wrote:
>>>>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>>>> boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C91124.23C83F63"
>>>>Content-class: <urn:content-classes:message>urn:content-classes:message
>>>>You're not getting it mate - I wasn't being
>>>>one-sided at all. You're reading something into my mails.
>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>><mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net>gathering-bounces at misera.net
>>>>[ mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of The Exorcist
>>>>Sent: 07 September 2008 20:14
>>>>To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
>>>>Subject: Re: [kj] OT - List of books Sarah Palin wanted banned
>>>>Then let it stand at that. Not just be one sided. :)
>>>>At 02:55 PM 9/7/2008, ade wrote:
>>>>>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
>>>>> boundary="----_=_NextPart_001_01C9111B.59C66B3F"
>>>>>Content-class: <urn:content-classes:message>urn:content-classes:message
>>>>>The point is that they're as bad as each other mate.
>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>><mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net>gathering-bounces at misera.net
>>>>>[ mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of Alexander Smith
>>>>>Sent: 07 September 2008 17:15
>>>>>To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
>>>>>Subject: Re: [kj] OT - List of books Sarah Palin wanted banned
>>>>>" I find it sad that the people who claim to
>>>>>be "liberal" would go and shut down and
>>>>>shout down anyone who doesn't agree with them."
>>>>>What exactly do you think the
>>>>>Right/Conservative/Republicans are doing?
>>>>>Sitting quietly with the fingers entwined?
>>>>>Alex in NYC
>>>>>On Sep 7, 2008, at 8:28 AM, ade wrote:
>>>>>> > Though in all honesty... I think it goes
>>>>>> beyond republican/democrat left/right. I
>>>>>> was always pro free speech & transparency.
>>>>>> I find it sad that the people who claim to
>>>>>> be "liberal" would go and shut down and
>>>>>> shout down anyone who doesn't agree with them.
>>>>>>Spot-on. This is the truth of free speech -
>>>>>>the chosen 'enemy' should have as much
>>>>>>right to spout their utterances as the chosen 'heroes'.
>>>>>>Sadly, this is how Hitler got in.
>>>>>>Back when the Greeks began voting, at the
>>>>>>dawn of democracy (lol), did they not vote for war time & time again?
>>>>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>>>><mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net>gathering-bounces at misera.net
>>>>>>[ mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of The Exorcist
>>>>>>Sent: 07 September 2008 00:26
>>>>>>To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
>>>>>>Subject: Re: [kj] OT - List of books Sarah Palin wanted banned
>>>>>>I guess some things can't be explained
>>>>>>ehhh? LOL (Also a big SWANS fan amongst many many other bands.
>>>>>>Music and books are my life. I guess I just
>>>>>>enjoy and can understand and relate to free expression in its many
>>>>>>various forms.)
>>>>>>Though in all honesty... I think it goes
>>>>>>beyond republican/democrat left/right.
>>>>>>I was always pro free speech &
>>>>>>transparency. I find it sad that the people who claim to be "liberal" would
>>>>>>go and shut down and shout down anyone who doesn't agree with them.
>>>>>>(How many times have you seen a right wing
>>>>>>or conservative speaker being shouted down by lefties when invited
>>>>>>to speak at a University?) When people feel
>>>>>>the need to disrupt someone's speech (Code Pink at the RNC?).
>>>>>>I understand that people are different and
>>>>>>I respect it. I don't force my views on anyone and am more than willing
>>>>>>to agree to disagree. More importantly, I
>>>>>>will always fight and support free Speech no matter to whom it applies!
>>>>>>Have a great weekend and hope the rain is gone by tomorrow.
>>>>>>At 07:02 PM 9/6/2008, Alexander Smith wrote:
>>>>>>>It always amazes me how Yos the Exorcist
>>>>>>>can be such a die-hard Republican and a
>>>>>>>die-hard Killing Joke fan at the same
>>>>>>>time. To my mind, they cancel each other
>>>>>>>out -- but then, I'm a proudly liberal
>>>>>>>lefty and still a Kiss fan, so I guess it's the same contradiction.
>>>>>>>Alex in NYC
>>>>>>>On Sep 6, 2008, at 6:52 PM, The Exorcist wrote:
>>>>>>>>Yeah, just like saying that it wasn't her
>>>>>>>>child but her daughters. Truth doesn't matter. All you
>>>>>>>>have to do is talk shit and make enough
>>>>>>>>of a ruckus that people believe it.
>>>>>>>>Speaking on the banning of things and
>>>>>>>>restriction of free speech let's look at Sir Obama's record.
>>>>>>>>Sen. Barack Obama has launched an all-out
>>>>>>>>effort to block a Republican billionaires efforts to tie him
>>>>>>>>to domestic and foreign terrorists in a
>>>>>>>>wave of negative television ads.
>>>>>>>>Obamas campaign has written the
>>>>>>>>Department of Justice demanding a
>>>>>>>>criminal investigation of the American Issues Project,
>>>>>>>>the vehicle through which Dallas investor
>>>>>>>>Harold Simmons is financing the advertisements. The Obama campaign and tens
>>>>>>>>of thousands of supporters also is
>>>>>>>>pressuring television networks and affiliates to reject the ads.
>>>>>>>>(the above link is just a small
>>>>>>>>snippet... there are much more detailed ones out there)
>>>>>>>>The fact that Obama tried to have Stanley
>>>>>>>>Kurtz thrown off the air for talking about the "Chicago Annenberg Challenge".
>>>>>>>>"The magazine had been blocked in its
>>>>>>>>initial attempts to obtain records from
>>>>>>>>the University of Illinois at Chicago regarding
>>>>>>>>a school reform initiative called the
>>>>>>>>Chicago Annenberg Challenge, which Obama chaired and Ayers co-founded.
>>>>>>>>Obama critics were quick to suggest that
>>>>>>>>political clout could be involved in
>>>>>>>>seeking to protect Obama from embarrassment.
>>>>>>>>The school later reserved its position
>>>>>>>>and made the records available Tuesday."
>>>>>>>>So first they have the University block
>>>>>>>>access to the files. Then they threaten,
>>>>>>>>flood and go after the radio station that will give Stanley
>>>>>>>>a stage to talk at. BRAVO!!! Way to go!
>>>>>>>>At least the Radio station offered the
>>>>>>>>Obama campaign to come on the show to
>>>>>>>>discuss/refute what Stanley says (The Obama
>>>>>>>>campaign declined.
>>>>>>>>The ones throwing shit at Palin don't
>>>>>>>>provide that opportunity. While Stanley
>>>>>>>>Kurtz and the Ad campaign (correct or incorrect)
>>>>>>>>stated info based on Obama's past
>>>>>>>>associations the shit thrown at Palin is pulled out of thin air.
>>>>>>>>Funny thing is, Palin isn't running to
>>>>>>>>the DOJ or sending out mass Emails telling people to wreak havoc.
>>>>>>>>At 05:12 PM 9/6/2008, fluke fluke wrote:
>>>>>>>>>I dont see how you can judge a
>>>>>>>>>person on the basis of when they first got their passport .
>>>>>>>>>Also she didn't ban any books whilst
>>>>>>>>>she was Mayor she just ............
>>>>>>>>>"Palin herself, questioned at the time,
>>>>>>>>>called her inquiries rhetorical and
>>>>>>>>>simply part of a policy discussion with
>>>>>>>>>a department head "about understanding
>>>>>>>>>and following administration agendas," according to the Frontiersman article."
>>>>>>>>> I abhor these Left Wing smear
>>>>>>>>> campaigns, they are dishonest ,
>>>>>>>>> deceitful and they distort the democratic process .
>>>>>>>>> > From: <mailto:vassifer at earthlink.net>vassifer at earthlink.net
>>>>>>>>> > To: <mailto:gathering at misera.net>gathering at misera.net
>>>>>>>>> > Date: Sat, 6 Sep 2008 16:57:34 -0400
>>>>>>>>> > Subject: Re: [kj] OT - List of books Sarah Palin wanted banned
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Like I said, it certainly fits her profile, though I'd be damn
>>>>>>>>> > surprised if she's even HEART of HALF
>>>>>>>>> of these books (woman didn't get
>>>>>>>>> > her first passport until 2007, for cryin' out loud).
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > More to the point though: Regardless
>>>>>>>>> of title, the banning of ANY book
>>>>>>>>> > is completely fucked up.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > May she rot.
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > Alex in NYC
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > On Sep 6, 2008, at 4:22 PM, B. Oliver Sheppard wrote:
>>>>>>>>> >
>>>>>>>>> > > Wow, I know she had some deal with the library, and I hate this
>>>>>>>>> > > evil, hypocritical version of Tina
>>>>>>>>> Fey, but is that list accurate. I
>>>>>>>>> > > mean, LYSISTRATA? Banned?
>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>> > > Part of me wouldn't doubt it -- but part of me insists on a
>>>>>>>>> > > snopes.com check.
>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>> > > -Oliver
>>>>>>>>> > >
>>>>>>>>> > > <mailto:LONESTYLE at aol.com>LONESTYLE at aol.com wrote:
>>>>>>>>> > >> Check this one out...
>>>>>>>>> > >> ~LB
>>>>>>>>> > >>
>>>>>>>>> > >
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