[kj] KJ IN NYC 2008
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Sep 2 19:33:04 EDT 2008
For what it's worth, I shot off an e-mail to the last e-mail address I
had for Big Paul Ferguson to find out an update on the proceedings.
Unsurprisingly, I haven't heard back, but I'd imagine he's a bit busy
at the moment. Will shoot up a flair if he does get back to me though.
Alex in NYC
On Sep 2, 2008, at 4:14 PM, Jiri wrote:
> >>who else is planning on catching the Joke's show in NYC in
> October??? Show of hands, please.
> *raises hand*
> *raises wife's hand, which fights the second night*
> Any bets from anyone on:
> -If the whole tour will happen as scheduled?
> -If they will stick to the stated idea of KJ80 & WTF on night 1,
> Pandemonium on night 2? Somehow I see that changing. Looking forward
> to the early gig reports.
> If L.A.'s House of Blues gets nervous about ticket sales, someone
> should explain to them: "Killing Joke fans are just waiting to make
> sure the band show up first."
> Alexander Smith wrote:
>> Ahoy Gang.....
>> Sorry to be so in and out of the proceedings these days. There have
>> been lots of silly conversations I've wanted to hijack of late, but
>> I'm running around like a madman. In any case, I just wanted to get
>> a rough idea. I know Mik & Milinda are in, but who else is planning
>> on catching the Joke's show in NYC in October??? Show of hands,
>> please.
>> Alex iN NYC
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