[kj] Carbon Casino's 8 and 9 - Carbon Silicon (Mick Jones/Tony James)

Paul Wady paulwady at hotmail.com
Mon Oct 27 15:38:41 EDT 2008

Greetings Tasteful Citizens.

Mick and Tony are holding the next two Carbon Casino's on the 15th and 16th December, in The Hammersmith Club. (Location and name.) www.hammersmithclub.co.uk

Book with their site or its £5 more on the door. http://www.carbonsiliconinc.com/gigs.aspx

Don't know who is guesting but with these fellows...

Looks like a good venue with the bar at one end and the stage the other, one great big old space.

About 3 in the morning after the final Carbon Casino (7) had ended I was waiting in the venue to catch old Mick with my camera, which I did and got an amazing shot of the two of us. Just before he came out of backstage, Sienna Miller came storming past me very upset. At me. She was winging about having her picture taken. As if. Barbie dolls don't play hollow bodied Fenders.

She was accompanied by Mick's Mrs, who demanded I go home and it was all over and no photo's. By then the batteries of my camera had flown onto the floor as I tried to reassure them I had no intention of taking her picture. I wasn't even pointing it at her and she just materialized in front of me anyway. I would not recommend anyone try arguing/arm wrestling with that Lady. Miller spent the rest of the time at the bar complaining to Mrs Jones about the press. So get a paper bag baby. Or go work outside of film like most people!

Her and Rhys Ifans were a pair of swaggering coke heads. Very impressive. After I got my picture, my pal presented Mr Jones with a "Herbal present" which impressed him greatly!, and they had a short conversation. Darshan is where you take teaching from the Guru. We had it that night. Bless you Jonesy.

(Did I tell you all I am a Carbon Silicon fan?)

Peace. x

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