[kj] For those who miss the old Geordie sound

Tijs Keverkamp tk at dds.nl
Wed Oct 22 14:12:01 EDT 2008

A question for the guitar-gear-geordie-freaks here;
what pre-amps did geordie use when he used the marshall 9200's?

matt- amsterdam


Op 16-okt-2008, om 17:28 heeft Change het volgende geschreven:

> Well for those of you who miss that Geordie sound of the golden

> olden daze, why not make like Kristin & Billy and set up a fan fund...




> Hi all,


> It's been a couple of weeks since we've sent a Letter. There’s been

> a lot going on.


> Kristin’s finished (!!) the manuscript of Paradoxical Undressing

> and submitted it to a literary agent. So far, the reaction’s been

> really good. Together, K and the agent are editing and discussing

> next steps. For this reason, we’ve stopped sending out excerpts

> from the book, though it’s very possible that the entire series

> will be restarted if/when a book deal happens. We really believe

> that e-books and serialization are appealing ways of spreading a

> book around and would like to see that happen.


> The CASH Music project is having a huge impact on Kristin’s career.

> We can honestly say that she wouldn’t be recording a new record if

> not for CASH. All studio bills are being paid by CASH subscribers

> – an incredible group of concerned stake-holders from all over the

> planet. Thank you once again for helping ‘keep them coming”!


> The last song in this CASH series is going to be posted at the end

> of this month. It’s called Roubidoux. After that, you should expect

> things to go dark for the Speedbath album project while we prepare

> the commercial release. Don’t expect it to necessarily be a

> compilation of all the CASH tracks so far –this’ll be special. We

> think you’ll all be happy with the full album when it’s done in

> March. There will be another Kristin-related CASH project beginning

> in January as well, so stay tuned for that!


> Crackpot Idea of the Week: OK, so, Kristin’s been down to one

> acoustic guitar since 2004. This week, after playing it 2-3 hours a

> day, every day, the old girl gave out. She needs an overhaul,

> which she will get. In 2005, while enjoying a moment of

> prosperity, we ordered a new acoustic guitar from Collings. We

> thought it was just too risky for K to live with only one. It took

> 2 years for the guitar to be made and last year we were told it was

> finally ready. Let’s just say the timing couldn’t have been worse.


> We told the guys at Collings that we’d do our best to come up with

> the necessary cash and asked for their patience. They were very

> patient, but, well, it’s now been more than a year. The Collings

> guys want to put a new headstock on K’s guitar and sell it at

> retail. This is only natural, of course. They’re supposed to make

> guitars in exchange for money after all and they’ve been good

> sports so far. We’re prepared to give up on the guitar (even with

> K’s half-price deal they’re very expensive – Kristin’s will cost

> $3600 with shipping!), but before we give it up, I thought we might

> try something fun to save the day.


> There are about 6,000 of you that receive this Letter. We’re asking

> you to pledge an amount that you’d be willing to kick-in to help K

> buy her guitar, $1, $5, $10, any amount. Don’t pay anything…only

> pledge by sending an email as a reply to this Letter. If we

> accumulate enough pledges to pay for the guitar, we’ll send an

> email out, cutting off pledges, then ask for payments to be made to

> The Hat (our tipjar at KristinHersh.com). Once we have the dough,

> we’ll buy the guitar and have it shipped to Kristin.


> Here’s the fun part: once she has the new guitar, we’ll record an

> HD video of Kristin playing 3 brand new songs no one has ever heard

> before in our living room. We’ll post that video online in a secure

> location and send a password to everyone who pledged and helped

> Kristin get the guitar. The idea being all contributors will get to

> see the guitar they helped buy, while enjoying a preview of a few

> brand-new songs.


> Have we crossed a line here? We hope not. We’re just trying to

> solve a thorny problem creatively, in a way that brings some fun

> and value to all of you. We know we lean on you guys an awful lot

> now that there’s no record company involved with Kristin. For that

> we’re eternally grateful. If we reach a point where this stuff

> becomes unsustainable, then we’ll have to accept that. Here’s to

> that day being far-off in the distance!


> Lots of love,


> Billy (and Kristin






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