[kj] South Fork Rabble Babble

Sarah's Kunt crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Nov 3 07:27:53 EST 2008

Yos blew off more good ol'American hot air:

>I've been debating with myself

You seem to do a lot of that.
Maybe you should get out more?

>if you are ever worthy of a response. I've come

to the conclusion that you are not.

You instantly contradicted yourself by replying.
Not as clever as you think you are!

>However this one time I think I'll state what I have to say and move on.

Where you movin' to?

>(You seem to try really really hard to get a rise out of me.

No, I find your pomposity amusing so was making fun of it. Its nothing to do with wages.

>Unfortunately, a person of your character never has

nor ever will have any significance to me

What an arrogant important entity you are.
Do I look like I give a shit?

>and therefor I really won't be getting to upset.

Shouldn't that read 'too upset?' Why be upset at all? I made a joke at your bloated expense but like a lot of Americans British humour goes right over your head.

>Pests can be a nuisance on occasion but are easily ignored.

More idiotic wisdom!

Return of the Rat:
Ever had your home infested with rats?
Chew, devour!
They are not easily ignored and make a hell of a lot of noise. Their shit stinks. So to write that pests are easily ignored was rather ignorant in general terms.

A plague of locusts is an even less ignorable kind of pest, ask those Ancient Egyptians!

>This one time however, I shall grant your wish.)

I wouldn't waste a wish on this bullshit.
It seems like Pat you make false assumptions because you've had a tiny dent put on your great big ego.

>You're like an insufferable child that has no grasp of understanding.

Yo "Insufferable!"
A new word for Rob's Arse to learn!

Could you explain what you meant by that?
It seems to make no sense.
How does one grasp understanding?
It seems one must share the view of Yos which is the truth and the way to real wisdom, whilst of course avoiding all pests.

Children are not insufferable.
Many children in Africa suffer greatly.

>You have yet to make one semi-decent or logical response nor do I think you are capable of making one.

So what did you think of the bit I just wrote about pests?
All a bit illogical and indecent I suppose.

>Your rants would make the Southpark rabble people seem coherent.

Well I guess we jest appreciate a bit of comedy more than Yossy do, y'all...


So is this what the US intelligentsia dig?
No wonder the planet is heading down the pan!

>At least an attack with some wit, logic or insight would allow me to give you some semblance of respect.

Whatever happened to...?
Irrational Domain

I can be funny with no logic at all. Maybe you just don't get the jokes because they grasp too far beyond understanding for your vast semblance of intellect to grasp.

I don't understand!

>I doubt you have the intellectual capacity to exchange intelligent dialogue... come to think of it, even non intelligent dialogue

with anyone other than yourself.

Ahem, so how come you wrote this, immortal fool?
Kiss your intellect goodbye...

>Nor do I think

But you try so hard!

>you have the capacity or ability to think outside of your self delusions and ideals.

Because I disagree with some of the utter claptrap masquerading as wisdom you send to The Gathering?
What a patronising pompous pillock you are!

>If crassness were to disappear from this world

They'd still owe us a living
Course they fuckin' would!

>you'd probably be a mute incapable of expressing anything.

Bullshit. More vacuous HOT AIR from the biggest fat balloon on The Gathering! We have a very different sense of humour it seems. And if I was mute I could still type emails, so there!

>There is much more I can say

You'll have to type it or shout VERY LOUD!!!!!!

You could even try email as you seem to spend a lot of time on that mode of communication these days.

>but I assume the rest of the Gatheres can reach their own conclusions based

on what you have written in the past and for their own opinions (good or bad). Besides, short novella's don't do well in E-mail context.

Why not?
Because Americans are too dumbed down to read that much?


OOPS! Yos dropped an E!
Beware of low flying house.

>I don't think I shall waste any more time responding to you as it is pointless and I'd probably

be more productive masturbating into the east river.

Come on baby! Rock on logical!
Feed the semi-decent fishes with your enormous manly intellect!

>I truly wish you the best, but I do hope that you grow up one day. Ad hominem attacks and absolutely witless

replies will not take you far in life.

Hell, if I want to go far I can buy a coach ticket, at least until all the petrol runs out. Then I'll walk.

>Favete linguis

Sprechen sie Deutsch?

Pretentious, Moi?

>I would also like to apologize to the rest of the gatherers for seeing this. I generally avoid personal attacks.

I've made my statement and shall now move on.

Not much of an attack really.
More like a load of bollocks.

>Best Wishes,



Writing words in CAPS will not make it any more intelligent.

P.P.S.> That is not the intention of bigging up the words.

Save yer wishes for one who needs them!
Like the sufferable children in Congo for example.

Get back in your box.

Best Witches.........
Who Wants the World?

Republicans Out Forever!

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