[kj] KJ in NYC/OT: jobs

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 15 10:08:30 EDT 2008

Wow, that's fantastic news Alex!!

Me, I'm just waiting for all the tight ironic-shirted hip musicians to
leave Austin as SXSW winds down tomorrow. Traffic is insane here and the
temperatures suck. So glad to hear things are better on the job front,


Alexander Smith wrote:

> Cheers to you, Chris because as of this week, I TOO NOW HAVE A NEW

> JOB!!!!!


> After eight months of wandering around the wilderness of unemployment,

> I ended up fielding two job offers in one week. The first came from

> ABC News Online, which was hugely attractive, but came -- for the

> moment -- without benefits. The second came from MSN.com which --

> while officially a "project" position, not staff -- comes WITH

> benefits and higher pay (as Homepage Editor). I've accepted the MSN

> offer. I start on the 28th.




> Now, must buy KJ tickets.


> Alex in NYC



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