[kj] Killing Joke 2003 or Hosannas from the Basements of hell

Lennonka lennonka at gmail.com
Thu Feb 21 18:09:27 EST 2008

I don't see any point in doing so.
One day I better like this, the other day that, it changes with mood.
That's why I can listen to them everyday...
I'm staying on d'fence.

2008/2/21, fluke fluke <fluke1 at live.co.uk>:



> Get off the fence Lennonka and make a choice .

> Go and listen to them again now and report back with your findings.

> Go now and listen to Killing Joke 2003 and Hosannas from the Basements of

> hell and tell me which one you like the best



With love & peace
_________ _________ _________
"Too much laugh kills..."
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