[kj] FW: FW: FW: this is none of your business lennonka;D))
Phillipps Marc
Marc.Phillipps at enfield.nhs.uk
Fri Feb 1 09:25:04 EST 2008
Every time the list argues Rob cries
Please don't make Rob cry
-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of Rob's Arse
Sent: 01 February 2008 14:22
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Cc: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: FW: FW: this is none of your business lennonka;D))
Take it off list please OK?
It seems that this argument started somewhere else, so why bring it here folks.
Thank you.
www.iamscuzzy.com www.myspace.com/scuzzywear
--- hollytree1961 at hotmail.com wrote:
From: melinda grant <hollytree1961 at hotmail.com>
To: <gathering at misera.net>
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: FW: FW: this is none of your business lennonka;D))
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 14:17:07 +0000
its none of your business ok
i not bothering to read rest of your post except tp say,um your a lier and a theith aswell tut tut ;/!!
your such a drama queen it is really funny i am laughing,go on the stage you would be perfect ;D))))
btw if you sling mud you must exspect to get it back,its the law of averages,and there are about 20 gatherers who know me inside out,thats enough for me,i trust them,they know the full me,not just me on mailing list,i treasure them,your not one but you knew that ;) !!!
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 14:39:18 +0100
From: lennonka at gmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: FW: FW: this is none of your business lennonka;D))
I have never said that I haven't broken any rule in my life.
I stole a chewgum when I was 14, for example : )
But it's not pleasant. It's more pleasant to go the harder way which is the way of goodness and fair play.
Thank you for a perfect mirror of your true face, Melinda : )
I try hard not to wish bad things to people - but I wish to people who have illusions about you
To have a profound experience with you : )
I will not forgive you that easily, what you've done to my people. Aum. Ha!
Reality itself may be so pretty virtual : )
It's the veil of Isis is frail to the seeing.
The theatre was finished.
The End
2008/2/1, melinda grant < hollytree1961 at hotmail.com>:
btw you telling us all that you have never broken a rule in your life,no matter now small? your pathetic and a lier,sorry lennonka but its true ;)
From: hollytree1961 at hotmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: RE: [kj] FW: FW: this is none of your business lennonka;D))
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 13:19:21 +0000
piss off lennonka,this is really none of your business,however as i feel it necessary to put you right on a few points,i will-for your information,i did not want to spend time with him,i was looking to escape to a hotel after 3 days,his company was that bad changed in person,you know nothing,as you do not know this person properly,your playing a silly game,and that was yesterdays news,i am not playing along with you any more,actually i dont like you that much i might as well add,oh dear--were not suppost to say what we think of you huh!! you have "no problem saying what you think of me or others,i dont like you lennonka,your a pain,a stirer and a spoilt brat;)
milinda ps btw only my closest of frineds ever call me--melly-thats not you ok ;) and never was, so i dont know how you found out about that!!
pps you must learn the differance between,real life friend(those that you meet in person more than once) and on-line friends(those you have not met in person,and there for who you do not know properly at all,no matter how many ems you exchanged--ive never met you,so i dont know you properly-but what i can tell is,i dont really want to meet you in person any time soon,why,because i can tell you are faulse and 2 faced person--plus you try to manipulate people,dont ask me to exsplain as you know what i mean and if you do not,then i cannot be bothered to embarres you futher ;) !!
this conforsation has finished,it was yesterdays news,i have better things to do,i doubt that you say who you are as well.you give a person reason,for someone who says they know very little english,my god your written english is near perfect-your not from chec repuiblic at all,no way,otherwise your written english would be alot for patchy if you were really not from u.k!
Date: Fri, 1 Feb 2008 13:20:53 +0100
From: lennonka at gmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: FW: ot.cliffshouse ;/ ;D))
And the question is if he wanted to spend so much time with you : )
What rules have I broken?
Tell us, concretely, dear Melly : )
2008/1/31, melinda grant < hollytree1961 at hotmail.com>:
bollock ok,i nkow ralle i spent 3 weeks with him in person,i know him better than any of you,and you included lennonka who has not even met ralle in person ok ;)
and you should not be so quck in coming forward lennonka,you do not always respect rules and having an opinion,is not breaking any rule.
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 21:57:17 +0100
From: lennonka at gmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: FW: ot.cliffshouse ;/ ;D))
Ralle is a person who knows to play fair and he's a very good friend of mine.
Let's stop our tongues before we say something unforgettable.
You don't have to bow down to the junior moderator, you just have to respect rules : )
And - THE AGE does not matter AT ALL!
2008/1/31, melinda grant < hollytree1961 at hotmail.com>:
i dont see why i should be exspected to bow down to anyone in chat who A-has never shown me any respect and B0 is clearlly my junior,what do you take me for,a complete ifiot and sucker,thats ralle not me ;D))
From: hollytree1961 at hotmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 20:41:03 +0000
Subject: [kj] FW: ot.cliffshouse ;/ ;D))
you should of made me a moderator!!
From: hollytree1961 at hotmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: FW: [kj] ot.cliffshouse ;/ ;D))
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 19:29:21 +0000
hha ha he he,i willl dont be bullied and chastied unfaily by any one ok ;D)))
From: hollytree1961 at hotmail.com
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: RE: [kj] ot.cliffshouse ;/ ;D))
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2008 19:23:39 +0000
i really dont care as i dont suffer either from paranoia or manipulation directed towards me ,when was having an opinion banned? free speach and human rights ?you should of made me a moderator cliff i think i will say that ive earned my stripes by now,;D))) ha ha ha!!!
> Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 16:16:35 -0900
> From: cliffmonka at alaska.net
> To: gathering at misera.net
> Subject: Re: [kj] ot.cliffshouse ;/ Let's All Go-where!!;D))
> Hiya again Mel glad you could get in chat.
> Bongo is a moderator and a fine guy,doubt he was being smug,haha.
> Now you can be paranoid cause i'm sure he'll kick and ban you forever for that,haha.
> Cheers,Cliff
> >
> > might be something to do with your connection bongo--called smug link(or how do we
> > know your not bending the truth a bit!!)-works better in n.z ;D)! i never had any
> > trouble with said link when using it in n.z either;P however...
> >
> > ,i use a different shared computer everytime from work and at home,when i log on,so
> > there could be any number of reason,you use your own compute,proberly not shared by
> > anyone else,i certainly am not in the least bit paranoid about in bongo incase you
> > thought i was thinking along those line ;))
> >
> > also only on 2 occassions when i have been in chat this year,has there been over 12
> > people,all the other times,its usually 5 or 3 or 2 including me,so the link does
> > not work all the time and thats a fact,even a guy at work log me in,same
> > hassle--its the link ok,its hit and miss like i said b.4--enough about that getting
> > boring,i was letting cliff know not you bongo,so stop being such a smug git ;)!!>
> > Date: Wed, 30 Jan 2008 12:47:21 +1300> From: humanhybrid666 at gmail.com> To:
> > gathering at misera.net> Subject: Re: [kj] ot.cliffshouse ;/ Let's All Go-where!!;D))>
> > > works fine for me, everytime...> > On Jan 30, 2008 11:23 AM, melinda grant
> > < hollytree1961 at hotmail.com> wrote:> > hi cliff,just to let you know ok--as a point
> > of interest,i used this link> > last night logged in fine,but i have tried 5 times
> > this evening,the link> > does not appear to work,thats a shame ;( the link> >> >
> > www.killing-joke.com/cliffshouse> >> > milinda ps lennonka,i came back to chat last
> > night,but the screen froze a> > few times when i was trying to post my reply> >> >
> > this has happened a few times previously,just tried the link you posted> >
> > yesterday Cliffs House CHAT unfortunatly it did not connect> > either!!!!> > whats
> > going on with these chat links of yours cliff ;D)))? its a bit hit> > and miss isnt
> > it lol,as,some days they work,others they do not,baffled !!> >> > and thats
> > proberly why not alot of people are in there on regular basis,they> > are obviously
> > having trouble getting up the page,let alone logging into it> > as well-shame that
> > ;(!!!> > ________________________________> > Date: Mon, 28 Jan 2008 18:54:41 +0100>
> > > From: lennonka at gmail.com> > To: gathering at misera.net> > Subject: [kj] Let's All
> > Go> >> >> > ...to the Cliff's House CHAT!> > I'm alone in there...> >> > --> > With
> > love & peace> > Lennonka> > _________ _________ _________> > "Too much laugh
> > kills..."> >> > ________________________________> > Messenger on the move. Text MSN
> > to 63463 now!> >> > _______________________________________________> > Gathering
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> > lack of trained trumpeters, the end of the world has been> postponed
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