[kj] Happy Festivus: Airing of Grievances

Brendan bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Tue Dec 23 09:02:33 EST 2008

Almost missed it


...where I am Festivus (Dec 23) just ended, but it's still Festivus to
most Gatherers cos it's still the 23rd. So in the spirit of Festivus, I
would like to indulge in the Airing of Grievances:

Almost none of you appreciate Soundgarden appropriately (except whoever it
is who has the name Spoonman in their email address, can't remember...)

Most of you under-appreciate Pandemonium. You lives are lesser for it.

I have a sum total of $0.00 contributed so far for the Ziggurat Temple
Survivor: Killing Joke Island.

That is all. (Feats of strength is inpossible due to location...)

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