[kj] KJ Live at the Forum DISC TWO??

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 16 23:20:50 EST 2008

Anyone have Killing Joke "Live at the Forum" DISC TWO for download? I
had it, but lost the 2nd disc and did not copy the mp3s to my new

Wasn't there a link posted here for the two discs to download, or something?

I'd be eternally grateful for anyone who could provide this. I do have
the set, and I as I've mentioned before have sent KJ plenty of money the
past 3 months or so via Plastichead Merchandise (remember I complained
about the length of time it'd take to get stuff). Not just trying to
leech off them. But I really need that 2nd Live at the Forum disc on mp3.

Thank you so much!! I'll find some way to return the favor.


PS. Also, who was it that sent me the DVDs of the KJ videos a LONG time
ag Contact me offlist. I have an Xmas present for you to pay you back,
finally. Sorry about The Wait (get it, heh).

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