[kj] OT: why I hate cats...

Peter Adams praest76 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 9 06:37:08 EDT 2008

Cats are selfish, humans are selfish... this is why cats make such perfect pets.

Generally I've found society is growing ever more intolerant of other
lifeforms. Yeah, animals are great on TV. Look, they're so cute etc.
But human society spends so much time trying to remove them, whether
it be the fear of dirt and bacteria that makes people clean and
disinfect their environs, or folks moaning about dogs and cats and
banning them from every place they can.

At some point mankind will have expanded to cover the entire globe and
there will be no "wild" for animals to live in, and by then so many
people will have been rendered allergic to all other life-forms by
their homogenised culture that there will be no option other than to
exterminate what is left.

It's coming kids. Enjoy other animals while they last because unless
they can be used for commercial purposes this society doesn't want


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