[kj] Another KJ-worshipping old Brit post punk band: Vex

B. Oliver Sheppard bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net
Thu Sep 13 18:56:41 EDT 2007

Their 3-song demo from the early 80s is here:


They only released one official EP on a subsidiary of Conflict's
Mortarhate Records (afaik).

The 3-song demo has the song "The Pain" which isn't on the EP. It's
chorus is a lot like "The Wait," only instead of saying "The Waiiittt"
the singer sings "The Paaaiiinnnn..." The first track, "It's No Crime,"
has a guitar part that also reminds me of "The Wait." The drumming on
"The Pain" is really cool and militaristic.


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