[kj] ot.wady- sex pistols 8th/11/07-first night

Paul Wady paulwady at hotmail.com
Thu Nov 8 04:57:28 EST 2007

Er...Oh my god.
I was only asking if you had a spare ticket. I obviously misread your e mail.

so, I think we can assume you have someone to go with.

Right. Great. Er...
Thank you very much.

Right. Thing is, I'd love to go see them now, but its not the end of the world if I dont.

Erm. I wasn't jealous of anything. Where on earth did you get all this wierd insecurity stuff? Clingey? Look, I am just some stranger on an e mailing list, who happened to comment about the Pistols gig and how he felt about it.

Then, I hoped you'd have a spare ticket. I really must write less, er, prosaically? Is that the word? (See, I am not too bright either.)

How did you manage to write all that stuff? It really takes some doing.

(This should be fun!)

Keep Smiling...

From: hollytree1961 at hotmail.comTo: gathering at misera.netDate: Thu, 8 Nov 2007 05:18:23 +0000Subject: Re: [kj] ot.wady- sex pistols 8th/11/07-first night

i dont have spare ticket for pistols what you talking about,i have only mine and thats for me,so your not going then huh? sorry i never intended selling ticket,are u nuts(yes..) you miss read my post or made that bit up! i was also at that gig in finsbury park 1996,though on guest list v.i.p-- its one of the best gigs ive ever been to,had a great time and i will also have a great time tonight,oh btw,you dont know me very well do you paul,ive been to more gigs on me own than you have had not dinners,i dont find it a problem,you do,actually ive always had a great time,you see i guess you and me are totally(thank f...k) different,you need people to hang onto at events because you are insecure,i dont because i am naturally confident and very independant ;) the only reason i mentioned if anyone else was going,was out of politeness,interest,curiosity-meeting up with anyone is not essential for a good gig for me, and does not determine the measure of a good gig/event , as it obviously does with you--you dont have to mention it,its obvious--your a dependant person paul--clingy is another word for it.. as i always bump into people i know anyways at gigs its always a nice suprise,its called beeing independant thats what i am and you seem to lack that!! melinda ps good bye you bore and if you had not been such a spiteful bitch in your post to me,you would not got this kind of reply from me..go pick at someone else and stop beeing a bore basically because you lack what i have in abundance-it only makes you out to be a jealouse person paul ;) try to learn to be more independant infuture no one admires a clingy-winey person like you!!

From: paulwady at hotmail.comTo: gathering at misera.netDate: Wed, 7 Nov 2007 09:24:18 +0000Subject: Re: [kj] ot. sex pistols 8th/11/07-first night

Its like this huge storm I try to ignore and forget, but it just keeps getting closer and bigger, and I cannot help myself. I was right at the front for the Finsbury park gig in 1996, and was the closest I have gotten yet to being killed. The 20K sway focused on us, and all these beefy boys in their 30's collapsed on top of me. No, not a homoerotic fantasy - near death. I seriously panicked for a while. But, I pulled myself together. Best gig. What did you have in mind Melinda, did you want to sell that ticket you have spare? All alone, waiting... Or is it spoken for?Obcessive/Compulsive/Destroy.

Keep Smiling...

From: hollytree1961 at hotmail.comTo: gathering at misera.netDate: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 21:15:53 +0000Subject: Re: [kj] ot. sex pistols 8th/11/07-first night

na......i think i will leave that to you ;D))) and have a good time instead ok ;P> From: folkdevil_23 at hotmail.com> To: gathering at misera.net> Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2007 13:11:15 -0800> Subject: Re: [kj] ot. sex pistols 8th/11/07-first night> > > Please throw crap at them for being a bunch of posey old tossers....> > ________________________________> > _________________________________________________________________> Windows Live Hotmail and Microsoft Office Outlook – together at last. Get it now.> http://office.microsoft.com/en-us/outlook/HA102225181033.aspx?pid=CL100626971033> _______________________________________________> Gathering mailing list> Gathering at misera.net> http://four.pairlist.net/mailman/listinfo/gathering

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