[kj] FW: Re: Funny jaz ect
ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk
Tue Jul 31 17:42:29 EDT 2007
We see the end of days in a lot of things, but eventually something WILL happen, on a level such as the dinosaurs suffered. And eventually the sun will swallow us whole anyway, so we'd better get on with space travel!
-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net
[mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]On Behalf Of B. Oliver Sheppard
Sent: 31 July 2007 20:13
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: Re: [kj] FW: Re: Funny jaz ect
This is sort of why I recommended Cormac McCarthy's book _The Road_ to
KJ fans -- it describes the aftermath of the sort of global holocaust
Jaz talks about. Or used to talk about?
The song "Asteroid" is interesting because it basically describes an
extinction-level event not caused by atomic bombs -- but just by a big
fuckin' space rock, like in a Bruckheimer movie. I've never been clear
if Coleman still really thinks there'll be some sort of global war, or
if just "forces of nature" will kill us all. The environment, or a big
space rock?
I know the founder of the Jehovah's Witnesses predicted the end of the
world back around the time of World War 1. That didn't come true. Jaz
gave the world eighteen months to live in 1981 or 1982. There were a lot
of movies made back in the earl 80s, like _The Day After_, _Threads_,
that really seemed to be the kind of zeitgeist of that age, and I've
wondered if all that didn't influence Jaz, too.
melinda grant wrote:
> see what you mean,if seeing it from your view point olly ;-)
> i still agree with jaz on that natural earth cycle disarsters,its
> bound to happen sooner or later,not so much pessimism but geographic
> fact in the long run.
> theres a new movie coming out called "flood" looks a bit heavy,sooner
> or later floods on a global scale will be a kinda norm!!!
> as for jazes church,i have no interest in joining any church unless i
> know 101 percent what i am getting into ;-)
> melinda ps picture this... rev jaz...stood there in his priest pansy
> smock declairs." now turn to page 1543 and we will sing hymn".....not
> on your nelly ;-D))))
>> From: "B. Oliver Sheppard" <bigblackhair at sbcglobal.net>
>> Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
>> band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>> To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
>> <gathering at misera.net>
>> Subject: Re: [kj] FW: Re: Funny KJ tracks?
>> Date: Tue, 31 Jul 2007 13:42:53 -0500
>> Actually, I just found it sort of ironic that we're discussing wacky
>> KJ moments, or the lack of them, when I was re-reading these old Jaz
>> interviews and he's basically discussing a global holocaust as
>> desirable or at least unavoidable/"necessary." That kind of gloomy,
>> nihilistic worldview contrasted with "funny moments in Killing Joke!"
>> just strikes me as itself sort of funny. Meh, maybe I'm not
>> explaining this right. Also, Jaz cracks me up sometimes when he talks
>> about how he has his church with a huge congregation, etc.
>> -Oliver
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