[kj] ChangeTin, change
Mister Black
mrblack_000 at fsmail.net
Fri Jul 27 08:31:34 EDT 2007
That is a cop out Greg . Yourself and Oliver post unsubstantiated untruths on here , you cannot back them up, so you just give a vague link to somewhere that the information you gave might be , you dont even give a link, you just send me on a wild goose chase knowing full well that I wont bother trying to hunt down the untruths you told . Very poor Greg, very poor .
Message Received: Jul 27 2007, 01:29 AM
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] ChangeTin, change
Peter, try reading instead of just watching pro-war news or whatever you take in. For ex., the Christian Science Monitor (U.S newspaper) and the Economist (British magazine) are good news sources. Better yet, look at reports written by think-tanks that actually advise the US government (such as teh Council on Foreign Relations and Trilateral Commission, probably the 2 most influential). Lots of the stuff we "make up" can be found there.
From: Mister Black
Reply-To: mrblack_000 at fsmail.net,"A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
To: mrblack_000 at fsmail.net, "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
Subject: Re: [kj] ChangeTin, change
Date: Thu, 26 Jul 2007 22:47:29 +0200 (CEST)
Oliver Shepard and Greg Slawson , you both have not offered any evidence to substaniate your claims , which is proof that you both make up things and then pass them off as fact , not only do you make up things and pass them off as fact , you stand on your soapbox and shout these "facts" out .
Why is it that you do this? Why cant you speak with knowledge and wisdom? Why must you both resort to falsehoods? Is it because you are both stuck in that intellectual cul-de -sac , can you see cars whizzing by you over there on the motorway , you can see them, you can hear them , but there is no access for you , because you ve spent your whole life following falsehoods , you did not seek the truth and so now you have no knowledge . You both cannot speak with conviction or knowledge, so your only option is to make things up and use these falsehoods as facts and hope that no one notices .
What will you be doing Tin? Will you be joining me in the intellectual superhighway or will you be parking your car in Greg and Olivers cul de sac?
The choice is yours
Message Received: Jul 26 2007, 07:52 AM
From: "Mister Black"
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: [kj] ChangeTin, change
Tinsoldier :
You need to change before its too late , you are currently in an intellectual cul-de sac , you need to get on the intellectual super highway , no more believing in falsehoods or things that have little resemblance to the truth . You must stop following and start thinking , otherwise to will grow up and end up on the intellectual bottom rung, and once you're there , you wont be able to progress , you will end up like all the other people in the intellectual cul-de -sec , making such ignorant statements as this
" Arab leaders no longer wear traditional Arab clothes like Arafat used to do with his Western military uniform"!!!
"Lots of Countries have various WMD's although I cant name either the county or what they have "!!!
"Pol Pot had connections with America , thats why he committed mass genocide!"!!!
"Foreign leaders had to stop wearing turbans because America said so"!!!!
" I dont read his posts......but thanks for telling me that hes stupid"!!!
That will be your destiny Tinsoldier, unless you have a major change of direction , seek the truth and stop believing in falsehoods like Killing joke , the Killing joke manifesto is a hoax , Killing joke are also in that intellectual cul-de-sac , their philosophy cannot progress any further because they didnt get on the intellectual super highway.
This is my advice to you Tin , although I'm sure that you wont take it and you'll end up spending your life in ignorance .
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