[kj] OT : Live Earth etc ...
bq at soundgardener.co.nz
Thu Jul 5 21:33:37 EDT 2007
At the risk of sounding like a whining old c word, (the risk increases
every year too ;), I have to say, living with and next door to late teens
/ early twenties straight out of school, my experience has been that they
are fucking HOPELESS at recycling. They haven't got a clue. I would have
thought they'd be teaching all this stuff at school?!
In fact I'm so annoyed I might do more than whinge to a bunch of KJ fans,
I might call talkback radio!
And if that doesn't work, I'll be forced to write a letter.
No seriously. I will. You can't stop me.
> ive been recycling stuff for about the last ten years or longer,you
> know,sorting the tins from the plastics(washing them out befor hand btw)
> from the paper/news papers/carboards ect,and dividing them seperatly
> placing
> them in the approapate containers provivded by various councils all over
> the
> world,depending where ive been in the world at the time( this recycling-
> is
> not just a u.k european thing,this happens internationally,not absolutly
> everwhere as yet!!)
> as i said ive been doing it for years,now in the last 2 years or so,all of
> a
> sudden it has become fashionable and everyone is doing it,well lets hope
> that this particular fashion sticks with people for as long as
> necessary,as
> i would hardly refur it as a trend,unlike alot of others,but more an
> essential daily/weekly habit the everyone should be doing out of
> necessity,not becuase its fashionasble ;-/
> my 4 dollars on it.
> melinda ps you have a point pssyche23,i feel similiar......
> this global-planet live earth- musical event this weekend,there does
> appear
> to be to many hypocrites appearing, jumping on the band wagon--shame
> that,now if they had done something like this years ago,even 5 years ago,i
> might believe that there heart was genuinally in the cause,and not that
> there will be using this up coming event to high light there own
> profiles....
>>From: "pssyche23" <antoni at clara.net>
>>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
>>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
>><gathering at misera.net>
>>Subject: Re: [kj] OT : Live Earth etc ...
>>Date: Wed, 4 Jul 2007 22:24:56 +0100
>>Agreed, it's not so much Diana herself, but the fuckers who adore her and
>>her legend so much ... for fucks sake, get a grip you cunts ... as for
>>Madonna, anyone who prided themselves in singing about being a material
>>girl and such matters has no place on a stage about tackling climate
>> change
>>... it's utter nonsense ... it is though quite appropriate that
>> Extremities
>>is being re-released late this year as Killing Joke and maybe Midnight
>> Oil
>>were the only relatively mainstream bands continually harping on about
>> such
>>issues throughout the late 80s and early 90s ... I'm not suggesting that
>> we
>>are all pious, high and mighty about it all (though I do like a bit of
>>recycling at home but that's about it) ... but most of those who will be
>>"involved" over the weekend are probably the worst offenders of all ...
>>----- Original Message ----- From: "Rob Horan"
>><Rob at westwoodassociates.co.uk>
>>To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
>><gathering at misera.net>
>>Sent: Wednesday, July 04, 2007 11:04 AM
>>Subject: Re: [kj] OT : Live Earth etc ...
>>>To be fair to Mads (I aint no fan believe me) and any other musician,
>>>none of us were thinking carbon footprints until 12 months ago......
>>>Yes that 'Diana and me' shite was unbelievably poor (except for Harry's
>>>bird Chelsy of course!!) - the adulation of Diana drives me f*ckn
>>>-----Original Message-----
>>>From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]
>>>On Behalf Of pssyche23
>>>Sent: 03 July 2007 22:03
>>>To: gathering at misera.net
>>>Subject: [kj] OT : Live Earth etc ...
>>>Funny feature on the BBC London news this evening ... in view of
>>>headline appearance at this weekend's Live Earth "gig" at Wembley
>>>they did a check up on her carbon footprint ... whereas the average
>>>comes in at about 10 (tons of CO2), Madge clocks up 1,000+ ... she has
>>>carbon footprint of approx 14,000 Malawi citizens ... I didn't really
>>>whether to laugh or cry ... at least the early evening finish last
>>>Sunday at
>>>Lords meant that I managed avoid bumping into the massed hordes leaving
>>>"Concert For Diana" ... what a puke inducing thought ... anyway, we had
>>>right old storm in London early this evening ... not much to rival what
>>>good friends across the pond experience in Tornado alley but exciting
>>>for us to have a feature on the BBC News website ...
>>>http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/in_pictures/6267038.stm ... I kinda saw it
>>>when I left work at 16:45 BST ... it was impressive enough for me to get
>>>camera out & take a snap ... http://home.clara.net/antoni/darksky.JPG
>>>... I
>>>managed to jump on the bus before the torrential downpour and hail ...
>>>Regards, Antoni
>>>Gathering mailing list
>>>Gathering at misera.net
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