[kj] An Olive Branch for Olive-r
Alexander Smith
vassifer at earthlink.net
Tue Feb 27 21:01:05 EST 2007
Not to harp on the hair again, but Dave Grohl may have had a lot of
it, but let's remember that the guy cut his teeth in D.C. hardcore
(not least in a latter-day incarnation of Scream) and is a consummate
music-head (who -- as we all know -- has big love for the `Joke).
Dave Grohl is easily the least lamentable thing about Nirvana.
Alex in NYC
On Feb 27, 2007, at 8:54 PM, B. Oliver Sheppard wrote:
> "Barfly grunge" was a description I read of Nirvana's music once.
> And, yes, it did seem to be more like metal. Not to obsess about
> hair once again, but also when I first saw the band -- long hair,
> Kurt's goatee or soul patch or whatever he had -- Grohl's long hair
> in a pony tail -- and they were playing more like mid tempo metal
> riffs -- I just couldn't understand at all why the label "punk" got
> attached to them so fervidly. I know Kurt Cobain liked to name-drop
> bands like the Wipers and other old 80s punk bands every time he
> could get -- maybe that's why? Or maybe because 97% of music
> writers are idiots? I personally hated bands like Belly, The Spin
> Doctors, Candlebox, Screaming Trees, Crash Test Dummies, Stone
> Temple Pilots, and Jesus Jones, bands that seemed to congregate
> amass in that era like flies around shit.
> A few years ago something called "New Rock" was supposedly the new
> punk/grunge/thing. What was New Rock? Rolling Stone said it was The
> White Stripes, The Hives, The Strokes, The Vines, and Jet.
> And a year or two before that, it was Detroit-style girl rock &
> roll: The Donnas (who were good early on), Sahara Hotnights, The
> Eyeliners -- that was "the new thing." And this was a few years
> before (1999-2000), but -- who can forget Kittie? Ugh.
> I think music writers are probably continually obsessed with trying
> to convince folks there's a groundbreaking NEW THING HAPPENING
> RIGHT NOW to sell their magazines/articles, to promote themselves,
> and the like, whether it's true or not.
> -Oliver
>> I'm struggling to find ANY influence of the Buzzcocks on Nirvana--
>> the latter sound like 70s or 80s commercial metal to me, and
>> Soundgarden sounds like AWFUL 70s/80s hard rock/metal. At least
>> the Killers have a sort of new-wavey, 80s sound. In a million
>> years I can not see anything likeable about Soundgarbage, but then
>> again I also hate Led Zepelin, Punk Floyd, and Aerosmith.
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ---
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