[kj] Quiet? How long here & why

Frank Coleman fbc at 21ca.com
Sun Aug 19 17:46:57 EDT 2007

I heard "Complications" on WERS in Boston just a few months after the
first album came out and was immediately hooked for life.

As for the list, I joined in... 95? 96? Then I was off for a while.
Wasn't the list non-functioning for a stretch? Or perhaps I tired of
endless political screeds by folks who were apparently constitutionally
incapable of deleting the entire digest preceding every post, let alone
taking it outside where it belonged.... (ahem) ;)

Anyway, glad to be back!


F R A N K . C O L E M A N
Design . Development . Direction
Interactive . Online . TV . Video . Audio . Print
Portfolio . 21st Century Art . http://www.21ca.com

MySpace . Frankie7 . http://www.myspace.com/frankie7

Drummer . Bentmen . http://www.myspace.com/bentmen
Drummer . 777s . http://www.myspace.com/triplesevens
Drummer . F-Units . http://www.myspace.com/funits
Drummer . Direct From Hollywood Cemetery . http://www.myspace.com/dfhc

Alter Ego . The Vegetable . http://www.myspace.com/the_vegetable

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