[kj] Dark Forces: The Towers Collapse!

Darth E. Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Oct 16 08:41:10 EDT 2006

An interesting book I've been reading is

"9.11 Revealed - Challenging the facts behind the War
on Terror"
by Ian Henshall and Rowland Morgan 
published by

I highly recommend that you check it out if you are at
all curious about the various theories of deceptions
that obviously are going to arise when a country's
secret service spies (and their offspring stooges)
take over the government.

One curious little alleged fact about the collapse of
the World Trade Centre is the huge amount of gold that
was supposedly in there that hasn't been accounted

A fireman who had completed a 24 hour shift a week
after September 11, dramatically put the official
view: "You have ten storey buildings that leave more
debris than those two 100 storey towers. Where the
fuck is everything? Cause it's all vapourised - turned
to dust. We're breathing people in that dust." 
  But while this seems the case with the concrete, it
is a stretch to apply it to the bodies or the black
boxes which require far higher temperatures to turn to
  Some $230 million worth of gold was discovered in a
lorry in a tunnel under the Center in November 2001.
We have seen no reports of other caches being found.
However, Comex was reported to have at least $950
million worth of gold stored in its vault under the
Center, and the fate of that haul remains unknown.
   Although the flight recorder boxes vanished, a lot
of extremely valuable disc drives were recovered from
the site. The FBI sent the 400 drives to a German
company, Convar, which used its special "blue laser"
technique to restore the information from the damaged
   A Reuters story from 16 December 2001 reported that
the recovered information from computers found in the
WTC rubble supported assumptions of dirty doomsday
dealings, insider trading on advance warnings of the
   On the 19th, Reuters quoted Richard Wagner, a data
retrieval expert at the company, as saying that
illegal transfers of more than $100 million might have
been made immediately before and during the disaster.
"There is a suspicion that some people had advance
knowledge of the approximate times of the plane
crashes in order to move out amounts exceeding $100
million," he says. "They thought that the records of
their transactions could not be traced after the
mainframes were destroyed."
   In June 2002, Ontrack/Convar was acquired by Kroll
Inc, a major security firm that has strong ties to the
US 'intelligence' community. Anja Legg of Convar
Detschland told an email enquirer on 21 february 2004
that the result of the restoration project had been
"rated as confidential by the Head of the US
investigation team." 

One Deception?
The deception dollar on page 10 is pretty funny. 


Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
But what the HELL?
They talk to God!

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