[kj] Channels like Geordie

Darth E. Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Oct 14 07:27:07 EDT 2006


Just interviewed Channels & these are some replies to
questions that might be of interest...

The theme of apocalypse also looms large in the music
of Killing Joke.
> Although I'm sure its coincidence the drumming on
"To the New Mandarins"
> also reminds me of the drumming on their song
"Adorations." Were they an
> influence?

Undeniable, especially the guitar playing of Geordie
Walker is a huge
influence on my playing in Channels.

 Isn't it also a little odd that Donald Rumsfeld
claimed that the 
> black box
> recorder on the plane that crashed into the Pentagon
had nothing of 
> interest
> on it?

Don't you think all that stuff is a little hinky? Once
you are exposed
to a
little bit of history - things like Operation
Northwoods or the Tuskeegee
Experiments, or the pilgrims' gift of
smallpox-infected blankets to the
Americans for example - how can you not be at least
skeptical? Meanwhile
Bush can
barely complete a coherent sentence; only an idiot is
prepared to
swallow his
rhetoric whole.

> By coincidence the last record I listened to before
playing your 
> album was
> the recent remastered reissue of Siouxsie and the
> "Kaleidoscope"
> which is a band you all claim to have been a big
influence. Which 
> Banshees
> album is your favourite?


Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
But what the HELL?
They talk to God!

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