[kj] (ot) Jaz Straw
flight Bringer
flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk
Wed Oct 11 18:33:22 EDT 2006
Try having a conversation with your back turned to the person that you are
talking to .
>From: Jim Harper <jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk>
>Reply-To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the
>band!)"<gathering at misera.net>
>To: Gathering <gathering at misera.net>
>Subject: [kj] (ot) Jaz Straw
>Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 23:29:13 +0100 (BST)
>I'm all for compromise in communication, but in this situation, I really
>don't see how the veil is an impediment to communication. No, you can't
>read every nuance of what the other person is saying, but you can't do that
>with non-veil wearers either. Maybe you can't see what _expression is on
>their face, but I'm not a veil-wearer and I keep my true feelings from
>showing on my face all the time, as everyone does. All you can do is go by
>what you *can* pick up on- I don't get why this situation is so different.
> Jim.
>ade <ade at the-lab.zetnet.co.uk> wrote:
> Whitey - I think it got the point across well ! :)
> If you ordered food from a restaurant in Big Gay Paris, who compromises?
>The dude expects you to
> have made the effort, so you have to order in the local tongue.
>Otherwise the face gets pulled & the
> interest in your order wanes.. (from previous experience! :)
> Seems pretty one-way too, but I think entirely fair & I don't see it as
>prejudice - it's about making
> the effort. I think compromises HAVE to be made when it comes to
>communication, in order to
> 'tune-in' to each other, but that does not render each party
>transparent/devoid of culture.
> ade
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