[kj] Jaz Straw

Juliet Pleming price-pleming at tiscali.co.uk
Wed Oct 11 14:42:20 EDT 2006

I apologise for sending nearly the same thing through twice but the
actual thing I wrote below took about 30 minutes to come through, whilst
the other things I wrote have always come through almost immediately -
so I panicked - especially as I haven't written anything for bloody
ages. I try to keep my head above all this controversy and not get lured
in - well done peter - you got me! 
-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]
On Behalf Of Juliet Pleming
Sent: 11 October 2006 19:00
To: 'A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)'
Subject: RE: [kj] Jaz Straw
-----Original Message-----
From: gathering-bounces at misera.net [mailto:gathering-bounces at misera.net]
On Behalf Of Jim Harper
Sent: 11 October 2006 14:54
To: A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)
Subject: RE: [kj] Jaz Straw
Men in the dark ages were generally capable of controlling their urges,

What are you talking about? Where is the foundation for that statement?
That's a bit of a generalization isn't it? Can you cite your evidence
for this? - about men in the Dark Ages, I mean!
I, as a woman, feel that I would like to have a bit of a say about this
veil thing from my perspective. Usually I stay out of these things but.
I have personally met Muslim men who treat women like cattle or worse. I
have personally been raped by one of these men - a long time ago.
I have met a policeman within hours of him leaving the scene of an
honour killing, where he had to attend to find a Muslim girl with her
throat slit. She was still alive but they couldn't do anything to save
her. Her Muslim brothers had killed her for going out with a white boy.
I think we have to be careful about what we let happen in our society in
the name of tolerance and respect for others. I abhor the sort of
behaviour that I have cited above, and I abhor it in anyone. Anyone in
any religion can use their belief to justify all sorts of shit.
Personally I don't see anything wrong with Jack Straw saying it makes
him feel uncomfortable. It makes me uncomfortable. We have as much right
to feel discomfort as they have to wear their veils.
How about female circumcision? Personally it disgusts me. Do you think
we should tolerate that as part of African culture in the Africans who
live over here? Surely, just because something is part of someone's
culture doesn't make it fucking sacrosanct like some sort of sacred cow
to be put on a pedestal. Bloody hell! If there was a culture that
promoted child sex which some do - some cultures will allow a girl to be
a bride as soon as she has her first period - would we respect that? No
we wouldn't because we have a law against it, but there is no law on
face covering. Where do we draw the line. I think it would be highly
irritating to have to deal with people who cover their faces all the
time. I find it bad enough if I have to talk to someone in sunglasses.
Let's not spend our lives bending over backwards to accommodate people
who are doing annoying/ irritating/ barbaric things.  
By the way, I am an extremely tolerant person, if I went to someone
else's country I would try to respect their ways although I would hope
for a bit of give and take. Likewise, I think they should fit in with us
to a certain extent. They can still keep their identity without covering
their faces, and if they really want to live like that, why don't they
go back from whence they came.
I'll tell you why this is often, from observation, because they want it
all ways - they want the benefits of living in our society - but if they
want that they should be able to fit in not make us fit in around them
while they dig their heels in.
flight Bringer <flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk> wrote: 
The hijab belongs in the dark ages , in an age where men could nt 
control their urges and women had to be covered up.


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