[kj] how many killing joke gigs?

PRAEst76 praest76 at escapism.co.uk
Fri May 12 06:34:46 EDT 2006

On Friday 12 May 2006 11:21, jon chapman wrote:

> was it at manchester jaz said this is our 4thousand and summat gig? dont
> believe it for a second.where jaz gets his figures from i dont know,geordie
> backed me up on this one! its more probably half that?

It's obvious were he gets his figures from from. the same place he gets most 
of his fact: From up his arse. We've known this for years. We still love him 
though. Like a mad old uncle who smells of wee and talks to himself, but 
tells the most amazing stories...

np: Pan Sonic - Rähinä II / Mayhem II

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