[kj] Manchester University

Darth E. Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Tue May 9 12:58:24 EDT 2006

--- Janean Lancaster <Janean.Lancaster at hopwood.ac.uk>

> <<<<<Academy 2 is so much better than Academy 1 for
> atmosphere &
> sound.>>>>>>

If you like a venue that looks like a school hall!

> I prefer Academy 1.  Probably 'cos you can still see
> the stage from the
> bar.  (And I hate Academy 2 because it reminds me of
> a very not-so-happy
> period.)

sound was not great but passable
stood in Geordie's amp trajectory but couldn't hear
any of the higher parts to Hosannnas & Gratitude...

> Yep cool gig and I agree the best I have been on
> this tour so far, full
> crowd and great sound although I had to move from
> left middle to
> appreciate it. Academy 2 is so much better than
> Academy 1 for atmosphere
> & sound.
> I really like the most tracks from Hosannas album
> not so sure live.
> Gratitude is a bit boring live, 

I'd second that
although its better than Loose Cannon (which it sounds
to me like its been recycled from). Its a bit of a
plodding dirge live, definitely the low point of the

Nice to hear Unspeakable, and the way everyone down
the front did go Psycho at the start of Hosannas
seemed funny...

Got flung about like a rag doll during Frenzy.
Then found myself treading on someone's lost trainer
during Pssyche.

Found a credit card at the end of the gig
(Money, Money, Money not our...)

MINOG really suffered from the Raven absence but
Reza's keyboards on Requiem were a harsh delite.

Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
But what the HELL?
They talk to God!

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