[kj] ot: piss

Jpwhkj at aol.com Jpwhkj at aol.com
Sun May 7 03:53:54 EDT 2006

Peter - did you go to the FA cup semi-final at Wembley in 2000? I remember queuing to get to the seats, and the concrete floor being about an inch deep in piss, 'cos the queue was so slow that all of the lagered-up fans were relieving themselves right there.

An inch doesn't sound much, but it is if you have to stand in it! I was glad to be wearing some quite sturdy boots.


"FLIGHT BRINGER" <flightbringer at hotmail.co.uk> writes:

> at gigs you just get long overflowing troughs . And before entering these places of mass relief, its advisable to double check too make sure your shoe laces are not undone . And dont wash your hands in the sink, as this is reserved for the "bladder about to bursters"

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