[kj] Re: OT - birthday meals

Leigh Newton angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Sun Mar 19 13:09:25 EST 2006

Attention everyone! The wise old sage has sighed!
Hahahah. Just kidding. 

The thing with Seinfeld and so many other things like
it that are both good and popular at the same time, is
it's not the show itself that sucks but the fans of
it. People who go around saying "Yadda yadda" and "not
that there's anything wrong with that" thinking they
are just as funny for repeating these phrases as the
person who came up with them is. ugh. I hate it. As
much as i hate when people go "D'oh!" or "Yeah baby!".
The show itself, i think is great. But i guess i can't
blame anyone for hating or resenting it. Curb Your
Enthusiasm, now THERE'S a show!


--- Alexander Smith <vassifer at earthlink.net> wrote:

> ::::sigh::::
> "Seinfeld" was one of the most singularly
> overrated/undercooked  
> television shows ever to blight the idiot box. It's
> great -- if  
> you're a slackjawed idiot with low fuckin' standards
> who thinks  
> "Austin Powers" is the zenith of comedy.
> Alex in NYC

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