[kj] Why KJ2003 doesn't suck ...

fluw fluwdot at earthlink.net
Thu Mar 9 15:09:09 EST 2006

that is a very fair assessment...first you want them to get someone to 
produce them, then you want them to just grow up and play like men.

well maybe on the next record, but at this stage i feel they are gauging 
and polling their market and their peers, and not sincerely following a 
muse within. but then again fire dances was reminiscent of adam ant/bow 
wow wow and btats was reminiscent of depeche mode, so maybe they have 
always responded to their peers to some degree..the difference was, the 
end result had more evidence of artistic ambition than just conscious or 
calculated craft.

bluce ree wrote:

>oddly i sort of see the new album as a mix between the
>two.  The bad arrangements and production of Democracy
>meets the attitude of KJ2003.  which isnt a good
>bloody hell, i really hope the CD is better than the leak!
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