[kj] my two cents on the album

Darth E. Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Sat Jan 7 11:22:36 EST 2006

Remember you are hearing an inferior copy due to the
rubbishness of computer files...

Judging the album production on a download is silly.
No wonder the band get pissed off!

--- Peter Moltesen <sneakypete at uwclub.net> wrote:

> been listening to it today - I'd be suprised if
> these were the final mixes, not that I'm in anyway
> an expert on such things - sounds very demo-like.
> Jaz' vocals very much in the background. Sounds like
> its Geordie's album, though - the guitaring sends
> shivers down my spine. Drumming's good too - current
> favourite is the third track. 
> Peter  
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Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

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Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
But what the HELL?
They talk to God!

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