[kj] hosannas on slsk

James Osborne chuuzetsu at yahoo.com
Tue Jan 3 18:39:18 EST 2006

What do you expect man? That is what slsk has become. It isn't like the good ol' days when you couldn't find shit like Britney Spears on it because the only people on it shared good stuff. You are talking in a room full of guys who probably think Fear Factory's Millenium is the best shit ever without knowing the true author.

bluce ree <bluceree2003 at yahoo.co.uk> wrote: okay...

I asked around in slsk in a room called 'Industrial'. 
What a mistake to make.

so far I've had this...

[Fritter Tot] Killing Joke? You gotta be kidding me.

[Fritter Tot] Industrial has nothing to do with a
shitty Post-Punk band that once featured the horrible
Martin Atkins either 

[PerpetualAmnesia] lollers killing joke
[PerpetualAmnesia] OMG DAVE GROHL

[Jim Goose] killing joke sounded like generic guitar
rock the few times i cared to listen

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