[kj] Oi Polloi

gingoblin at easynet.co.uk gingoblin at easynet.co.uk
Tue Feb 21 08:23:27 EST 2006

Haha, I was just out a couple of weeks ago doing backing vocals on this 
very album... and I must say it's sounding very good. Reckon it'll be one 
of the best things they've done so far.
Dunno if I heard much that made me think "Killing Joke" though. Ain't heard 
it all, so maybe there's a Joke-like epic lurking in there somewhere.
Speaking of lurking, it's entirely possible one of 'em is on this list... 
you out there Jefferson?, er I mean Stinky... sorry... I mean Deek  ;-)

Dave in Edinburgh

At 13:22 20/02/2006 -0500, you wrote:
>Is anyone familiar with these guys?I was just reading their myspace 
>profile,and apparently,their new album has touches of Killing Joke,among 
>others(Crass, Discharge, Cockney Rejects)
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