[kj] School Mam

Darth E. Vader crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk
Thu Dec 21 10:51:05 EST 2006

Alex in NYC has taken on the challenge of educating
Killing Joke at the School of Extremities to make sure
they do better and pass all the exams they need, ie.
none at all.

Alex: You are an inspiration to me! An inspiration of
how not to be! Mr Coleman stop smoking at the back!
You know how it spoils your beautiful voice!

Jaz: Hack, cough, urghh! Wardance!

Alex: Now have you finished your homework and brought
me some Gems of Power? Stop fiddling with Nigel
Kennedy when I speak to you!

Jaz: I've been composing my Majestic symphony instead.
It is the greatest work of mortal man, a Celebration
of Lies for summoning Lightbringer.

Alex: (Wailing and gnashing of teeth) Oh why oh why
can't you just write some nice lyrics about Glory
Glory in Europe like the good ol' days?

Geordie: Take it easy, sanity has come!

Alex: And where might I ask, is Paul Raven?

Geordie: Running faster all the time.

Ben: Or is he outside the gate?

Alex: Be quiet Little Ben, I cannot hear Mr Walker.
Write me out 100 emails, "I must learn to play
Eighties synthpads like the Mighty Big Paul."

Jaz: Lies! Look, I'll tell him about Raven because I'm
a bigmouth. He's gone off to play with Ministry. Lies!

Alex: Its all your fault Coleman! You drove him to it!
I knew this kind of thing would happen if I left you
alone Down Under for 5 Minutes! Write me 666 emails,
"I must struggle to go back and live in the Eighties."

Jaz: Dodge the bullet or carry the gun. The choice is

Cracked Machine irregular cyberzine

Look at grafitti scrawled on the wall:
Dubya can't catch family friend Bin Liner...
But what the HELL?
They talk to God!

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