[kj] Burning Ambitions

Robert Mallett robert at jrcardwell.fsnet.co.uk
Sat Dec 16 09:35:22 EST 2006

i first came accross them in early 81 when i heard Requiem/Change for the
first time. Shortly after that I saw them on Whatever you want and that was

----- Original Message -----
From: "Darth E. Vader" <crackedmachine at yahoo.co.uk>
To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
<gathering at misera.net>
Sent: Saturday, December 16, 2006 1:15 PM
Subject: [kj] Burning Ambitions

> > >>".I think most people on the Gathering have

> followed KJ since the

> > >>beginning of their career,or at least near the

> beginning,I didn't start

> > >>listening to Killing Joke until I bought KJ2003"

> > >

I first heard them in 1984 or 85 on a compilation
Burning Ambitions - A History of Punk
the track was The Wait & Love like Blood was released
very shortly after that

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