[kj] Coronado swastika and ss
Mike Cooper
mike at coopersurf.fsnet.co.uk
Fri Aug 25 11:00:50 EDT 2006
my point is not anything to do with accusing the regime or people being nazi's - as has been rightly pointed out this is unlikely. I just cannot believe it got through the detailed planning process they have in the US which is the same as ours. Someone should have seen it and got the design changed! It may have also been a result of extensions to the original development and now I do sound like a town planner!!
Wasn't there some forest in France recently where the new owner flew over and found that in the middle of his pine forest there was a huge planting of about 10m wide and god knows how long decideous trees so that in autumn when they went brown an image of a swastika appeared. This was thought to be 50/60 years old I think. Not the same thing but interesting none the less.
Message Received: Aug 25 2006, 01:56 PM
From: "gorilla spanker"
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] Coronado swastika and ss
Also , the building ISNT even a swastika . A swastika must be symmetrical, it must all line up to symbolise a complete space . Its hard to explain but a Swastika must be square , and the buildings wings dont extend far enough to run in line with outer perimeter of the building!!!!!I'm struggling here
Try again: The buildings corridors must be extended by a few metres to make it a swastika , it IS swastika shaped, but it isnt a swastika .
The Indian diners are talking sense , although the owner have decided to change its name . Fluwdot is just getting hysterical about nothing. I believe that countries like Iran have more in common with Nazism, even its leader saying that ALL Jews should be moved to Israel and then Nuclear bombed. And American has just provided the bombs to destroy these people with naziesque policies.
America/Israel against Iran/Hezbollah.
To imply that America follow Nazi ideals is ludicrous beyond belief
--- mike at coopersurf.fsnet.co.uk wrote:
From: Mike Cooper
To: Gorillaspanker at aussiemail.com.au, "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
Subject: Re: [kj] Coronado swastika and ss
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 13:33:14 +0200 (CEST)
"The buildings practicalities would be more important that what it looked like from the air. Whether the offices all had windows would have been more important than the Ariel view"
Where do you start with this gem? Let's just say don't take up architecture - buildings they don't start with the 3D model and work backwards - that's the end bit. In simple terms outline and shape first so it fits on the land!. Looking at it I would say it was built in the 80's.
Message Received: Aug 25 2006, 01:23 AM
From: "gorilla spanker"
To: gathering at misera.net
Subject: Re: [kj] Coronado swastika and ss
The buildings practicalities would be more important that what it looked like from the air. Whether the offices all had windows would have been more important than the Ariel view. Also when was it built? Probably in the 1940's when the Americans were fighting the Nazis . It was built for practical reason, rather than to give a message . Strangeways prison is an odd design because it was practical.
Saying that the naval building was supposed to signify Nazism is like saying that the H-Block prisons in Ireland were supposed to signify heroin .
If people accuse the American government of being Nazis, then they can have little knowledge of what Nazism was about. One of the cornerstones of the Nazi regime was to rid the world of Jews, yet the American government is a staunch supporter and defender of the Jewish nation.
The building looks like a swastika, so what? There is no hidden meaning. Just that the people who work daily in the office all have a window overlooking grass.
--- mike at coopersurf.fsnet.co.uk wrote:
From: "Mike Cooper"
To: , "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
Subject: Re: [kj] Coronado swastika and ss
Date: Fri, 25 Aug 2006 00:44:08 +0100
sorry Pete but no chance - I am by trade a Town Planner and have worked in
Development Control and for one thing you have to submit plans detailing
amongst over things a layout (from above) showing parking, access, roads
etc. Someone somewhere must have seen this as it would show up like a sore
thumb!! There is no way this would not be picked up in any Planning Office
in US or UK I don't buy it.
----- Original Message -----
From: "gorilla spanker"
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2006 12:18 AM
Subject: Re: [kj] Coronado swastika and ss
> "What possible reason could there be for a building to have been
> constructed on a military base with this horrifying reminder of hate and
> genocide?"
> Well the logical explanation is that the Architect wanted to build a
> building that was both spacious with lots of windows and also secure ,
> along with open spaces and greenery . The design that was build was the
> most fitting shape to accommodate the specifications . Its very unlikely
> indeed that the buildings designer wanted to make a political statement
> and rather absurd to suggest that this building is connected or indeed
> meant to send out any signals to anyone . Apart from the birds flying
> over, who is going to see it?
> There are many factors taken into account when buildings are being
> designed and what they look like from the air , is not one of them .
> Do you honestly believe that because one building in America looks like a
> swastika ,that this is an indication of the Governments policies?
> --- fluwdot at earthlink.net wrote:
> From: flow
> To: "A list about all things Killing Joke (the band!)"
> Subject: [kj] Coronado swastika and ss
> Date: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 18:50:52 -0400
> they neglect to point out that the courtyards form an "SS" in the
> diagonal latitude as well:
> http://www.thepowerhour.com/press_release/press19.htm
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