[kj] Requiem vs. Butcher
Leigh Newton
angrytomhanks at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 18 02:02:12 EDT 2006
Try and make a soundfile, if you can. That sounds
--- James Osborne <james_social at circlewithadot.net>
> Trying this again. My first message didn't seem to
> go through as I
> didn't see it back in my Inbox, here was the
> message:
> So I did a little experiment. I sped Requiem up to
> 200bpm's but lowered
> the pitch by -8 semitones. The opening synth line
> then sounds almost to
> a T the same as the synth line in Butcher.
> --
> James Osborne
> james_social at circlewithadot.net
> Japanese Music Information -> www.circlewithadot.net
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