[kj] OT: Miss the curries
unspeakable at sbcglobal.net
Fri Aug 11 18:22:15 EDT 2006
On that OT note, here's a nagging, culturally naive question: What is it
with curry in the U.K.?
I remember seeing it all over London, and quite frankly read it
referenced in tons of fiction and non-fiction set in England--not to
mention when you natives rave about it before a gathering! Is it so
prevalent as a relic of empire building...immigration trends, or just
because it's so damned good (and flavorful)?
I actually like curry quite a bit and have many choices/places to get it
in my otherwise-not-exactly-cosmopolitan midwestern city, but I also
have many other choices around town for Italian, Vietnamese, Thai,
Bosnian (due to a huge recent refugee influx), Mexican, Cajun, Central
American, South American....
So enlighten me, why is curry seemingly "the thing" in the U.K.?
-Sheltered Jiri in STL
Jari Pakarinen wrote:
> God damn it. Went to the Guardian site to look for the tinnitus remedy
> and found the article about Indian home cooking. Oh I would kill for a
> good curry right now... brings back the the days I spent in the UK.
> I'm off back to lurkin'
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