[kj] Re: 80's tournament - tossers

Jim Harper jimharper666 at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Apr 28 18:17:52 EDT 2006

What's your problem with Numan's political opinions? If you don't agree with the assessment of Numan's political leanings that's up to you, but you don't have a monopoly on opinions or information about the man.
  And English people can be supporters of the Republican party, or the Betelguesian Pinkpantie Party if they want to be. 

Simon Abinett <louiecipher33 at hotmail.com> wrote:
        Man you really have no idea what you are talking about !!
  For a start he is english so how can he be a republican? He thought he was greater than the band who made him ??!! What band , Numan has been more modest about his peers and influences than probably any other musician going. You clearly have never listened or read a proper interview with him.
  "Tubeway army were great nothing on his own" Tubeway army was gary numan you dick, they consisted of him his uncle and his best mate but numan wrote produced played designed everything just has he has with all his stuff. He has got someone into help produce his last couple of albums but that is the first time in his career.
  Help support the Iraq war where did you hear that bullshit? Or did you make it up!


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