[kj] CHOP-CHOP/EMPIRE SONG TV Live Questions

James Osborne rush_me_away at yahoo.com
Sat Apr 22 18:45:56 EDT 2006

slsk = soul seek (www.slsknet.org)
  It's the P2P program that I use.

Jeff McCollough <jeffmccollough at earthlink.net> wrote:Re: [kj] CHOP-CHOP/EMPIRE SONG TV Live Questions          What is SiSK?  Just curious
  On 4/22/06 2:00 PM, "James Osborne" <rush_me_away at yahoo.com> wrote:
  I  have two videos I just downloaded off slsk. They are from some TV   show and they are playing Chop-Chop and Empire Song. What is  weird is  that Big Paul is lip-singing to Jaz's voice. Jaz is  nowhere to be seen.  There is some figure at the keyboards but its  not Jaz (its real grainy  so its hard to tell what it was). Does  anyone know about this and what  the deal is?
  James "Bruce" Osborne
  rush_me_away at yahoo.com
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James "Bruce" Osborne
rush_me_away at yahoo.com
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